@Devs, what are you doing about Healing?

Everyone can do a +2.

You can probably leave at start, and the other four will finish for you because the key already started.

Leaving at the start is not doing an +2

There are people who can’t do M0 so don’t tell me that everyone can do a +2

getting carried =/= doing something

okay, tagging along and doing pretty much nothing then. It’s same as LFR difficulty now, just without dealing with 10 stacks of determination.

Edit: guess LFR is too hard then, People are getting carried there.

Okay. Go ahead and be ignorant. You know what I’m saying and you’re choosing to get lost in semantics. nice

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No, I don’t know what you’re saying. People get carried in LFR, and it’s somehow outrageous if they’re carried in a +2.

LFR is for hardcore elite players only I guess.

Get hit by everything in both, and healers adjust.

I disagree here. I dont see any issue with dungeon design and resto shaman.

I am a resto shaman

Well it was extremely OP. But it was by no means the only healer that can thrive. It was just the easiest.

Yes, but the people saying “well its hard for me” shouldnt be automatically catered to. Feel its a bit off to dismiss one group and only listen to the other.

While I am not a new healer…ironically none of these apply to me. I am still healing. I didnt reroll hpal. While most of my keys are my own with my group, its not my decision.

You cant blame the lack of healers on people rerolling. That doesnt decrease the number of healers.

That isnt what is being said either.

And yall dismiss any healer’s experience that doesn’t line up with your views.

How are your actions better?

Sheesh practicing the correct resto shammy ramp up was huge for me. I am still practicing it and getting my muscle memory down. As I know I go off kilter a bit when things get hectic, and thats on me to improve on.

I think a large amount of people just expect standard point-and-click reactive healing, no real thought.

Nearly everyone can. The people that cant are a statistical anomaly.

I think healers are more likely to have dps alts, than vice versa. So outside of the initial gearing phase, there’s a persistent healer shortage.

You’ll not find a post of mine where that is true. Oh, and I am a healer and run 3 different toons; this Rdruid, an RShaman and an HPally. What I do try to do is empathize. I CAN relate with trying to heal in bad groups, I also can relate healing in GOOD groups (lol what a pleasure). I can’t comment about a healer shortage because I only queue as a healer, so no where in this entire thread did I make a single comment about whether there is or isn’t one.

I am a okay-ishly high IO player who mains mistweaver monk, I do see the point Fauxstraza is trying to make by stating that people turn down a lot of qualified healers in turn for a hpal. Happens to me constantly even if I can see that the group has a comp that works with my spec (addon lets me see party specs while i am queing)

However, I do understand the other side of the argument completely. In the lower key brackets which I frequent as well because I love multiclassing and have a billion alts there is a very extreme lack of healers. Everytime I list a key even if its a sweetspot like a +16 even on tank alts it takes quite a while to find a healer at least 30 mins sometimes, I see how this can be problematic for some people who just wanna get home from class/work and play the game.
Sure there isnt as much of a healer drought in 20s and over. I see lots of them all the time when i list +20s on alts but this is still an issue to the vast majority of the playerbase because the reality is the portion of the players doing 20s and above is pretty small. Healing is difficult right now and I dont even think i am a super good player, i still make mistakes the main difference is i have the time and patience to brick countless keys in order to adapt and learn to some of the silly healing expectations that exist right now. A lot of people just simply dont have the time or would rather spend it differently. Especially when they have to wait 30 minutes to form a group for a +16

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So the entire thread you’ve been saying there is NO healer shortage and now this? What gives?


People doing lower keys, which I don’t think 16-18 are included in there, might have issues finding healers.

There’s not really a healer shortage per se, just people wanting to do keys that healers are not looking for. And more than likely? they’ve turned away at least five qualified ones.

Which hilariously is like saying there’s no famine here, its just the food is someplace else.


LOL, this wins my Internet trophy of the day. Best response yet.

TLDR even as a higher io player I see that there is a large lack of healers in lower keys, its extremely problematic and annoying for those that dont wanna spend 30+ minutes forming a group waiting for a healer.
Having lots of healers in +20s or above to pick from is cool and all but its a small part of the playerbase so the lack of healers will still be present and annoying for most players including myself anytime I want to play alts

are there a lack of healers if you have a tank in the group?

I would try to heal lower keys but i get nothing out of it. Plus my eyesight aint the best so i clam up etc when healing.

Yeah, I tank on my BDK and Vengeace, they are both relatively capable of doing 20s so the IO and ilvl arent an issue especially because they are linked to my main IO, I usually do 16s on them just to get a quick vault fill sometimes or to farm aspects for crafted gear and it still takes a while

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with 3 dps in the group, I’d envision that it fills up fast. I think some tanks think waiting for one healer (cause they’re hard to find) and then never getting a healer to sign up because healers have better things to do than join a group with a single tank.

No mate. This is a player problem. Players asked for this.

You are not getting the “healing” you used to get because we don’t have borrowed power. This is the first xpac since Legion, that artifacts, leggos, essences, corruption, covenants and tier is no longer putting out huge passive healing.

Players are not used to having to hit buttons. They are used to passive shields and healing dealing with rot damage. They are used to power creep that exceeds ilvl.

What did people think would happen when they lost all of the passive output and had to rely on actual skill?

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Nah actually, I usually almost always have 3 dps in my alt keys before i see a healer lol