@Devs, what are you doing about Healing?

Have an easier time to get into keys as a dps atm. And the few groups that dare to accept a preservation evoker tend to suck, so I play dps. Not only are we off meta, but we’re REALLY going off meta, with a load of questionable stuff…

the pally is a support spec lol It is already a hybrid. you will never get a augmentation type spec. LOL

Ok everyone, there isn’t a Healer shortage, all healer’s are happy, there are no problems, life is grand. Fauxstrasza has spoken, so it must be true.

If you don’t agree, why you don’t even have a 25 done! Or you haven’t killed Sarkareth on Mythic yet, what do you know?

Well we know what is fun and what is not fun. Enjoy your endless que.

Because in my experience it’s not that there are no healers, but people will wait for the perfect person. Then I leave after like five minutes cause the group is going no where and tons of qualified people turned away because they weren’t the one.

Maybe the leader wanted a 3100 holy paladin, idk. But like it’s stuff like that.

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I mean an actual support spec, that makes allies better at what they do by properly, actively buffing them, like Aug.

Hybirds in WoW rarely did that, outside of cooldowns like PI. Instead they have traditionally been, what I would consider just “worse healers”, valued for the occasional heal they can drop. Any utility they have is usually also brought by their other specs so there’s really nothing “support” about any of them.

So yeah, if the stars align and they give Paladins an actual support spec, one where I had to keep up a party wide buff or something, be all for that.

Vanilla paladin sounds like up your alley? Didn’t they spend 1 minute out of every five just rebuffing blessings?

But see, that is in YOUR experience. You never take into consideration others may have different experiences. This is what I find frustrating about your posts. You could be a valuable addition to healer topics, but no matter what, if someone says it’s black you’ll say its white. I don’t get it.


M+ is awesome to heal right now. As rshaman it’s really fun as Hpaladin it’s really fun as disc priest it’s really fun as p-evoker it’s really fun.

Those are the healers I’ve played lately and they’re all fun and can pump and do very high keys.

I can’t speak on the other healers as I haven’t really played them a lot lately.

S2 is the most fun healing or M+ in general has been since at least shadowlands.

Exactly this! Thank you…

I know you’re just being facetious, but I will admit that is pretty funny.

Because very likely people crying about a healer shortage have turned away the first five players for not being good enough. Or they’re playing at ghost hours and literally no one plays at that time.

Actually I could easily see the druid and paladin and shaman getting an extra spec each. Support specs. But blizzard is working on reworking all the current classes first as far as I can tell. So I’m expecting more reworks for the current classes first and then maybe in 11.0 or 12.0 we’ll see some new support specs.

Haven’t they already addressed the fact that they think healing is in a good spot atm? I swear there was a blue post for 10.1.5 or something.

It’s a pretty simple solution though. Drop key levels until you get under your skill ceiling. Healers have to play the game in df and m+ is infinitely scaling.

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“The vast majority” = the kids that cry here.

And from this thread alone, people don’t get the concept that healers still need to practice. Like, sure they’ll have the gear but that doesn’t mean skill level to heal. So maybe they find a new healer, then quickly leave group cause healer sucks.

Devs have already done stuff about healing. They made the monsters deal 25% more damage and gave everyone 25% more HP. That wasn’t very long ago.

I want to respect everyone but I also have to remind us all that this is Mythic+

That means it’s supposed to be for the top end players.

The game is made like this

Casual players = LFR/Normal
Serious players = Heroic
Top 25% = Mythic
Top 10% = Mythic+ and Mythic raid

If you can’t do a 20 key then do a 19 it’s that simple. Please stop asking blizzard to make M+ easier.

I appreciate that blizzard nerfed Hpaladin instead of buffed all the other healers. I expect blizzard will eventually rework all the specs in time but patience is a virtue. I recommend playing the meta class at any given time because you WILL have more fun unless you’re stubborn and you trick yourself into thinking that you only enjoy one spec/class.

It’s very rare for Blizz to dramatically change a spec in the middle of an xpac. So, I would say just do the keys you can. That’s what we do. We also have healers that can’t heal certain dungeons on certain weeks and we just do something we can and collect the coins from the vault until next week.

mythic plus is for everyone. +2 exists.

I don’t care what level it is. Not everyone can do a +2

I doubt most people who play wow go into M+ at all just like I doubt most people who play wow go into Mythic raids or Heroic raids