@Devs, what are you doing about Healing?

gearing speed is super fast, wager more dps than healers want to do 17-18s

Theyā€™re waiting for the playerbase to adapt.

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But if a geared healer canā€™t get into a 20 easilyā€¦ is it really a healer problem?

Iā€™d argue very much so yes. Thereā€™s lots of problems with healers, all feeding into each other to make the situation worse and worse.


Any healer class can easily heal a 20.

The one 20 I did (lucky enough to find someone willing to give me a go) was easier then some low keys Iā€™ve done :man_shrugging:

  • Healing has gotten significantly more stressful, particularly for new players as the dungeons tend to not be designed well for most of the healers, outside of hPal.
  • This leads to only those that thrive in such environment to believe healing is too easy, while everyone else feels healing has gotten too hard and unfun particularly on any healer that isnā€™t a hPal.
  • This feeds into the first problem, as the only healer most people (outside the ones who already feel its easy) agree on is that hPal feels like its the only healer that can currently thrive, helped by its position in the Exodia Comp.
  • This in turn becomes a feedback loop where people who were already struggling with healing now also find themselves in a position where itā€™s harder to get groups because people believe that they are bad for M+ and want an easy ride with hPal and those who were able to thrive and reach the higher keys find it harder to get into groups because hPal exists.
  • Because of all the above, new healers either just stop healing all together, reroll hpal for easy invites, or exclusively run their own keys which causes pugs to go without healers, and the cycle sustains itself.

Itā€™s honestly a bloody mess really.

And the people that go ā€œWell it was easy for meā€ donā€™t really care, but as I stated numerous times, that is kind of the Law of the General Discussion Boards.


Iā€™ve never met a healer who had the sweaty attitude that dps and tanks do. Thatā€™s not what draws people to healers. Current healing and mob damage is like 200% of what it should be for our HP pools.

Shadowlands, for all its faults, got this right. Double HP pools.

m+ is infinite scaling difficulty. everyone can heal a +2. Some people might not be good enough for a 20 or even a 17. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with that.

Read again:

I never said anything about it being easy for me, just some people might not be good enough. Is there a problem with that?


if people reroll holy paladins, there would be healers for lower keys.

I donā€™t think thatā€™s it.

You have also said that gearing is super easy, so the pally rerolls are only healing +20s. At least by the logic you provided previously.

Which means the lower keys are still barren.

Not necessarily. Itā€™s just people with more than enough gear to do 20s and choose not to for various reason (prob cause itā€™s ā€œeasier.ā€)

So we donā€™t have a healer shortage. We have a dps excess and a player shortage at 20s I guess.

Healing is in a bad state. I wonā€™t deny it.

I wonder, however, how much of the shortage is due to healers switching to Augmentation. Itā€™s the same fantasy of helping other, but without the stress.

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Thus again.

Admittingly, Iā€™m one of those. Iā€™m loving augvoker, because I can do all the supporting stuff Iā€™d love to do on my Paladin, but without the unnecessary stress of healing while actually feeling like Iā€™m contributing. (Sorry, the occasional WoG or Freedom pales in comparison to making sure the other dps keep that lovely Crit buff on them.)

I hope they make an support spec for Paladin in the future.

Yeah context is key here, personally Iā€™m a healer so I just deal with the tank shortages currently. However when was that SC taken, if it was before the god comp then yeah that makes sense, after not so much given the issues it presented non meta players, coupled with blizzard locking the season for the ones that like to push with all the nerfs they did.

Yet on my druid that I tank on, I do deal with the healer shortage heavily, especially in non score keys right now, which is what the bulk of players still participating in this season want to do.

Itā€™s after the god comp. Like yesterday.

This thread

ā€œHealing is the worst itā€™s ever beenā€

Other thread on main page

ā€œHealing is the best itā€™s ever beenā€


Odd, the key level is high though so that could be a factor, this week was also a bit rough, and it is the end of summer too. So I guess maybe the shortage was caused by exterior factors because I can attest that it was a struggle this week for me to get keys going, Iā€™ve been gone since Friday as Iā€™m on vacation currently so I cant say how the weekend was.

All I can say here though is OP is valid in what theyā€™ve said, I have experienced the same this week and last week. So hopefully it was just an outlier situation with people being on vacation and ETC, but if it keeps going the way it has been it wonā€™t bode well for the remainder of the season.