@Devs, what are you doing about Healing?


Highest I’ve been was like 2.1k, anyhow pvp sucks.

CC → trinket - > cc → cced again, partner dead.

Wasn’t real pvp cause it was 2s.

3s would be who can burst someone the fastest at the lower brackets.

Forget healing cause people can die in 3 seconds or less.

Just have to trade CDs effectively and just sit the CC sometimes; I feel like warlock/mage is the most annoying comp because they have endless CC but you can beat them with solid players.

if your people are playing smart they won’t die in the opener and will live long enough for you to keep them up!

Better off playing League as I always say than wow PVP. Plus side? no grinding needed.

I can understand that sentiment. Never been a fan of league personally but I did enjoy HoTs in the past

What are you even talking about?

My comment was that seeing a player with over 500k health go from almost full health to around 10% health, then trying to heal them back up before more dmg, but only being able to heal them like 75-150k each heal with spot heals just really feels bad.

Here is the thing, say your healing then no one is taking any dmg for a few seconds. So you decide to throw out some DPS to not be board. Then all of a sudden BAMM! Player goes from full health to almost dead. Then your like WTF going from 0 to 100 trying to fix the situation.

Now, it could been the stupid DPS standing next to the tank in a key… In that case, its understandable and I am likely going to let him die a few times till he catches on. But when its random targeted mechanic that the players have no control of. That is just bad game design. You can argue it isnt all you want. But its things like that, that will put new players off from healing.

How would you like them to change healing exactly?

in the keys ur doing u can just heal thru anything - on any spec with any group

Read previous post

erm, I think you’re doing something wrong if you can’t heal the keys you’re currently doing.

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which random targeted mechanic are we talking about? There really aren’t that many. First boss of freehold, I guess?

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You adjust and after your first run that damage shouldn’t be “random” because you will expect it and so should the party. They should be aware of the mechanic and ready to use a defensive cooldown


Most people don’t make a habit of doing interrupts. In a leveling dungeon, when I’m a tank, I’m top interrupts. When I’m a resto shaman, I’m top interrupts. When I’m a mage, I’m top interrupts. And generally nobody else interrupts at all.

They need more mechanics that directly affect the player who makes the mistake. Instant fears teach people that mechanics are something they can do nothing about.

People on this forum love to just spout off that you are bad if you have a hard time healing, but even if that’s true it doesn’t help me get a healer when I’m looking for a group. It literally doesn’t matter how good or bad your healer is if you wait so long to get one that you turn the game off.


Have you tried joining groups that just need dps?

Sure, and I’ve also appealed to blizzard to add an ignore feature to the forums, since your contributions to this topic are trolling in every thread that I can recall. You love to stir the pot because you’re bored, I get it.


Lol? There are groups needing dps, and groups needing healers, and groups needing tanks (with 4 people waiting otherwise) yet people don’t seem to think of joining those first.

Tend to be people trying to make their own instead of joining what exists then maybe not finding a healer or tank cause it’s 3 dps together.

Tanks and healers attract each other for the most part.

Always a “shortage” ever since inception.

Flipside of that: endless declines cause people are not qualified or off meta class.

Yea he has been camping every post I make on the forums too. Just report him for trolling as I have been doing if he is bothering you… But yea, wished there was a block option on these forums. Would solve lots of issues.

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Go post on non-interesting topics then.

okay but it also doesn’t matter if you get a healer and they can’t heal the bosses lol

at the 18 key range u just legit heal through everything

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So in your mind should unavoidable damage to very low damage regardless of key level in an infinite scaling dungeon and/or should basic no cooldown single target heals be healing 70-80% of a non-tanks HP bar per cast?