@Devs, what are you doing about Healing?

Top end rewards would be at 20, which would be significantly harder than a 20 is now.

Lol this is a great way to start a post that you don’t want anyone to read.

but the so called healers are unhappy because they’re already struggling in a 16, and in this new system, probably kicks them down to 11.


Eh, I think the infinite scaling nature and something to push for fun is a big part of its appeal.

I do think the 0.1% title is a mistake though.

They just copy and pasted it from PvP without including 2 of the items that make it “work” in PvP which is artificial rating inflation and capability to lose rating.

In PvP 1-2 weeks of bad tuning doesn’t solidify title slots. In mythic+ it can.

I mean, get gud? Go resto…reroll. As a healer main I disagree. Also devs don’t need to fix this imaginary problem. There isn’t one.

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I disagree as a healer.

I believe the healer should always do 1, and if they can 2, on last weeks affix.

And on the cc affix, most healers only have one for of extended cc

we can’t all be paladins that I guess can brute force through magic debuffs that others have to dispel.

I play a paladin monk shaman and shadow priest most of which are 2600+ io so I feeling I can speak very generally.

Wouldn’t a monk be in a poor position to handle afflicted?

Shaman has totem, and paladin is op.

I play all the levels, big boy, what about you?

Your group is playing poorly if this is the case. Never ever in the history of M+ has it been optimal for the group to play extremely spread out.

Ranged playing at full 40 yards is why they hit walls and flop. It is essential to be reasonably close to the melee at all times. You can’t benefit from Light of Dawn, Druid Healing Circle, Healing Rain, Spirit Link Totem, or Halo if you’re playing at the opposite end of the pull.

The only time it has been an effective strategy was in Slands S4 where mastery stacking seasonal affix meant MM hunters could attack from 70+ yards away and not deal with any mechanics.

Soothing mist and vivify x2 is what it takes for me to single target heal one to full.

Sometimes if I get a big crit I can get it with 1 vivify.

So that is like 3 seconds.

It really depends on what else is going in at the time they spawn if that is a big deal.

It’s either a healer or a tank shortage, take your pick. Right now it’s healer.

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Yes but I think that’s the point of all the affixes is to make your life harder.

To me it’s not so much about the class. Almost all classes can handle all of the affixes. But when you get into a group that everyone is trying to do it they always go smoother

Well, I spent the better part of 3 days converting my shaman over from Enh to Resto. I installed VuhDo and setup my WAs.

Now I HAVE healed a lot in the past, just not this expansion until now and F’ THIS!!

This is the most horrible state of healing I have ever seen and I have healed almost every expansion since Vanila. Seeing a geared player get hit with a mechanic that drops him or her down from 90-100% to 10-20% health, but when you try to heal them back even your ST heals only heal for 10% 20% if it crits. This not only feels back, but it just ruins the entire gaming experience. This is just plain horrible and complete BS… No wonder only the most hardcore WoW healers are enjoying the experience. But no new player or any player that doesnt do this as their main role is going to like this…

Sounds like a class issue or skill issue.

I have 3 heals that can nearly top an entire group. There’s no way that you’re tickling people up for 10% at time and playing remotely correctly is my guess.

Well you pay for key carries… So I am not taking anything you say with any value.

pay to skip. Why would anyone want to mingle in lower content longer than necessary? Especially, on a class already played. There’s something called the legendary.

And technically, didn’t pay for any key carries, just raid. (Not this expansion anyway.)

Did buy a few last expansion.

Seems like a skill issue - this raid was very easy even compared to last tier and for keys - PvE healers seem to poo bricks when someone gets hit for 100-150k when that’s a regular attack in arena.

My suggestion would be to do some arenas and it will teach you to be a much better PvE Healer as you’ll learn to be more situationally aware and how to use cooldowns properly.

In SL I started healing arena on my Druid and I sleep walked my way through healing 16 keys after

They’ll do pvp, and die in 5 seconds, and quit. Why expect them to excel?