@Devs, what are you doing about Healing?

This is the first season without borrowed power. The new gearing system let players max out quicker than normal.

These two combined has let most players hit the wall faster than in seasons past. The only way to progress now is to get gud. We asked for this.

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Yeah, youā€™re parroting. Rank 1 healers simply canā€™t accept that healing might be the breaking point instead of dps. Which in an infinite scaling system, is that really a problem?

Itā€™s not 20s are too hard that the rest of the playerbase is on about.

The real issue is more likely target selection. If boss targets same target 4 times, that person might be dead.

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Itā€™s also true in raids. If you canā€™t top your raid on 3, you canā€™t do Rashok. Compare the peaks and valleys on that fight compared to Sludge Fist, where the recovery period is ~10s or more.

All over the place, healing and damage are too high for our HP pools. Canā€™t change one without the other. There will always be a breakpoint, itā€™s not beneficial to design around trying to set it. Healing output >= damage in over ~10s should be the norm, not < 3s. Thatā€™s bad design and sidelines a lot of healers.

Why canā€™t you do rashok if you canā€™t top your raid in 3 seconds? The naturally occurring damage events are quite far apart. Itā€™s only the self-induced clears that swing a lot.

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but the game became a worldwide phenomenon when it was designed a completely different way, i.e. the people doing all the designing and balancing, were also the coders.

it seems pretty clear that the increasing stratification of labor roles has created massive echo chambers, and elitism at the top, people who think they know whatā€™s best for everyone, and that their ā€œHoF, m+ titleā€ lens that they see through is what will create the best experience for everyone. yeah, i donā€™t know how this will end. truly i do not, i promise. so blizz should keep doing exactly what they are doing, its definitely working, and will continue to work

I used to be a resto druid main back in the day and it was pretty easy, so I ultimately gave it up for tanking, which was a lot more engaging. Iā€™ve since switched to being a protection paladin instead of a druid. About 3 or 4 weeks ago, I got tired of waiting 30 minutes for a healer to queue into my mythics and decided to try out holy paladin, since I was already geared for protection and retribution. Suffice to say, I LOVE holy paladin. I always told myself Iā€™d never heal on it, since itā€™s so different from resto druid, but I feel very actively engaged while playing holy and itā€™s been fun. I pull about 20-30k DPS on some aoe fights and generally do about 70k hps depending on the fight, scaling upwards of 150k during the heavy aoe moments. All mythics, in my experience, are pretty easy to manage when you know something is about to happen. You know when a boss is about to use an ability, DBM literally SCREAMS it at you. Prepare for it, cast your defensives and start prehealing prior to the cast, or get ready to dispel/bubble or whatever else. Thereā€™s never a dull moment as a healer now, and I love that. Compared to every other mythic season, I can honestly say this has been my favorite BECAUSE of how challenging it is. I love the affixes that everyone else seems to hate, which is always funny. As both holy and protection, I donā€™t need help. Dispel+wog, done. Freedom for entanglement, I have turn evil+repentance if nobody else has the sense to use their cc, I donā€™t even care about sanguine because I have the presence of mind to move out of it. Arguably the most annoying affix this season to me is the tornadoes, and thatā€™s not bad. Mythics are easier without the seasonal, and I can spam them to my heartā€™s content whenever Iā€™m able to log on. I donā€™t get why nobody likes to heal, unless itā€™s because itā€™s ways been so easy that you were basically carried through most instances by only pressing 5 buttons. I just want to point out too, I am NOT a great holy paladin, I am a lot more competent at protection, but playing holy these last couple weeks has been the most fun Iā€™ve had in quite a long time. It definitely has its stressful moments, particularly when the group doesnā€™t have any idea what theyā€™re doing, but thatā€™s the risk of pugs! Try again, if they canā€™t get it through their heads, leave and find another group. Guarantee somebody else will take a healer in a heartbeat xD

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When I play with my friends, we have less than five people and I want to play as a dps instead of healing, we consistently have trouble finding healers in the 11-16 range. We donā€™t have this problem with tanks. One of us invariably swaps when the wait becomes too long for a pug healer.

This is purely anecdotal, of course, but it seems pretty clear to us that healers are in shorter supply than their counterparts. I donā€™t quite agree with the OP, but I think some elements of healing are out of line. Regardless, I still find healing fun.

Didnt Ion say he thought healing was still too strong in an interview though?

You donā€™t understand how healers working this expansion at all. When the healers use CDs, they are really powerful but mostly wasted due to encounter design. They want to use CDs on damage patterns otherwise they just died and the raid HP literally bounces between 100% and 0. 30-50% overhealing is a very common number for healers in both raid and M+ this expansion.

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ā€œMe? Nothing.
Just hanging around.ā€

And there we have itā€¦ Nuff saidā€¦

One possible solution would be to remove the concept of +1, 2 or 3 starring a key. This may deter Storminā€™ Norman the prot pally from trying to pull the entire dungeon and overwhelming, or stressing out, his/her healer. Now, granted, that may be more boring for DPS.

The problem with this is if a group is completing a key far below their capabilities, and theyā€™re only getting +1 on it regardless of how fast and flawless they complete it, theyā€™re going to be stuck running keys too low for them for a while until they finally slog it up to where itā€™s actually challenging. The +2, +3 system is great for folks to find out where their performance hits and get to their challenge point sooner.

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People largely arenā€™t trying for +2.

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I think a big part of the discord is between starter healers and professional ones.

Healing for me isnā€™t so much of an issue say up to +10 (in a good party).
What keeps me from healing ones outside of that is the variance in performance Iā€™ve seen in between. I donā€™t have the patience to try for random pugs above that because time and time again Iā€™ve seen people both stuff up mechanics alot but also give little time for recovery. I could just leave, but Iā€™d rather not bother.

Shadowlands in the same situation would be me being, alright people have majorly stuffed up, iā€™ll stop DPSing and drop some fat CDs. Current expansion Iā€™m already having to do that.

Organised and/or ā€˜staticā€™ parties has accountability for DPS mistakes and healer voices are louder because everyone there has a commitment and responsibility for their role.

You are speaking for all of us healers and I appreciate you for it. I was beginning to think that it was just me but the posts over the past few weeks have confirmed that I am not alone in my frustration with healing.

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What they said they were going to do going into WoD was great (although it didnā€™t happen). They said healers would be weak, but that incoming damage would also be low. That meant healers had to triage the lowest health or most in danger person. Healing would be about mana efficiency and choosing the best spell for the situation. Damage would be less bursty, so you had to focus on not falling behind because it would be hard to catch up. Death by a thousand cuts, and trickles of healing to counter that.

Thatā€™s what Iā€™d like instead of this burst thing theyā€™ve got going. Burst is for DPS; healers heal because we donā€™t want to be DPS.

What happens to ā€œlowā€ damage in an infinite scaling system?

Also if damage is ā€œlowā€ why not just pull more? What if you can kill the big pulls fast enough that they are dead before defensive/healing cooldowns are exhausted?

M+ needs to not be infinite scaling. Cap it at 20, and adjust lower levels accordingly.

Thereā€™s no reason to make 99% of healers unhappy to appease 1% of players who are caught up in the trap of endlessly chasing recognition.

But people can stop at +2, and thatā€™s not hard to heal.

Why should people who canā€™t play remotely well have access to top-end rewards? Iā€™d say the large portion of the player base are complaining about keys under 20.