@Devs, what are you doing about Healing?

It’s funny, I was about to say “Its the cap”.

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Just thinking with slightly longer time to react, but a greater importance of utilizing abilities correctly could probably balance out.

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Infinite scaling keeps reducing that though, that’s kind of the point.

What starts as “low or slow damage relative to HP” doesn’t stay that way because of infinite scaling.

Unless the assumption is not being able to meeting the timer will happen much sooner than any possible survivability issues.

Yes, but your healing won’t. Eventually, people will be taking more damage than can be healed, but that won’t be from one shots the way it is today, it’ll be unconquerable attrition.

Making healing less spikey doesn’t change the difficulty of healing or the throughout requirements, it just opens up the floor to more healing and damage profiles.

Yeah, that’s the best option though. You get people who want to play and have fun who can’t just walk into a 20 in the beginning of the season but its only slightly less difficult and it lets people who want to push still having that option.

Why would it end up working this way?

Enemy damage patterns aren’t pure rot because trash are pulled and killed around large burst aoe cool downs.

So what if 20s aren’t free. I don’t feel the need to be sympathetic.

Can’t just walk into mythic and kill Sarkareth after all.

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So it’s really about flat nerfing mythic+ which is already the easiest end game pillar (up to where the rewards end)?

Don’t we just have one spiky boss left, maybe two?

Sentinel Talondrus and Naraxas.

And for Sentinel Talondrus to be spiky, you have to do it wrong.

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We’ll get another health+damage buff in the next patch and then they’ll nerf healers in the next xpac to bring us back in line.

The primary issue is spikey damage and players dying in a few globals. It’s a high stress environment that most don’t enjoy in Mythic+, and an overhealing snipe fest in raid.

We had this in shadowlands, which was very balanced healer wise. For all its faults, shadowlands had great healer rep. It’s not that it’s all pure rot, but cycles of burst.

Despite the sidebar happening, no one wants keys to be easier. That’s not the point of the change. The point is to open the floor to other healing patterns.

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No, if they would have done a decent job of leveling off the damage it would have been fine the way it is but I don’t see them being able to do that. Because they are balancing “pve” not balancing “raid” and “m+” There have been several prominent healers who have pointed out the yoyo damage is a problem.

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Shadowlands was balanced healer wise? we didn’t play the same game.

Shadowlands also had enough burst that I gave up on 20 Tyranncial Upper Karazhan.

Shadowlands healing design was to have like 3 healing checks per dungeon and mostly dps the rest.

I’d argue that isn’t good healing design.

It also wasn’t balanced at all with ashen hollow paly dominating, then resto shaman in S2, then holy priest in S3 and S4. But for the majority doing 15s for the reward cap it was fine, same as now doing 20s

Trash is an interesting discussion topic though because as changes are made to damage patterns or mob abilities it opens up the opportunity to just pull more and combine packs since damage is less threatening.

Well, to be fair, that dungeon sucked on tyrannical. The second and last boss was garbage.

At what level?

28s which are mobs doing literally double the damage of a 20 where the rewards end?

Last boss just required you to dodge a laser beam, pure l2p issue. Second boss was coordination of interrupts, which, groups I found sucked at.

Wow, how many damn healers are there, if the “vast majority” are refusing to run M+ … and yet I have seen no issues with filling the healer role in my runs.


The problem I had on the last boss was the dot that shot out the balls after the dispell.

There are only 2 reasons Blizzard might appear to be responding to player complaints:

  1. They already agree with a certain point of view that is complaining;
  2. The complaints can be linked to a mass unsub of players.