@Devs, what are you doing about Healing?

What level keys are you running?

Maybe I’m not explaining it well.

You couldn’t do this, because the healer wouldn’t be able to keep up with the damage going out.

Instead of imagining a graph, let’s do this thought experiment. A simplified scenario, if you will.

An enemy goblin does 10,000 DPS.
Our healer heals for 10,000 HPS, so that’s ok.

However, if our hero has 30,000 HP, the healer getting a couple globals eased up means our hero dies, he eats 3 damage events and he’s done for, this is the current model, damage is manageable with good play.

So we nerf goblin and healer to 5,000 DPS and HPS, respectively. The healer is still able to keep up, but has longer to respond. If we pull a second goblin, our hero would still die in the same amount of time as if he had 1 goblin and no healer.

have you seen the D4 stream of devs playing the game? c,mon. its a miracle this game works at all

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healing would be a lot easier if even 1/3 of the players that queue up had their damn interrupts keybound! ijs i hate doing keys and looking at details at the end after people dying multiple times just to see that i have 8x more interrupts than the other dps. i normally dont say anything unless im on one of my healers! anyone else notice this?!

Yeah, that is an issue. I cant run an 11 on an alt because everyone eats everything.

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dude just a few days ago we had two shamans in our group
 you know, the guys with a 7 sec cd on their int
 at the end of the key i had 38 int and neither of them had any. this is normally why people get removed from groups. tbh its kind of a jerk move to do that to healers!

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But it’s not that clear cut because throw in defensives and overhealing into the mix. You’ll need to nerf healing by some % if you want to double hp pools to maintain similar levels of skill expression.

Only one boss truly requires twitch reflexes anymore I’d say.


it’s actually 12 seconds.

i swear it used to be 7 when i played it
 either way it doesnt change the facts!

i imagine any non sweaty player would look at this thread and not feel welcome.

And lo, there was once a time where eyes would decide to fall below to see the truth.

Though that was long ago.

Like glass left shattered, any who’d look would see refractions and understand

that most dungeons aren’t fun the heal, my guy.
So as most healers would say, “Miss me with that.”

It’s very different now. The re-work has fundamentally changed the spec, so that you can range heal with no penalty.
The synergy between talents, creating extremely fun to use combos, is awesome. Yes the spec required nerfs to bring it into line with other classes, but even after those nerfs you still feel powerful.

i think most dps just expect the healers to make up for their laziness and that has a lot to do with things. honestly a global healing buff would just make things so much easier and maybe blizz can tone down some of the multiple trash casts going out because i dont see dps even trying to help stop damage in half the keys i do. but sometimes you will have a whole group of people who do everything to help out shutting down out going damage. its just hit or miss but mostly miss!

There is a penalty now just as before unless if you can keep full dps at range, and the same mana expenditure profile.

Seriously dude. If you start a new character with Z E R O io score. How the heck do you plan to get into +20s and higher WITHOUT first doing some 15s and lower keys
 Your NOT and you can not unless you have guildmates carrying you

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I almost never post on this alt, but I figured I’d throw in my two cents worth as a noob healer.

This character is usually the last of my many that I gear up each expansion, and I usually stick to healing in battlegrounds, world events and bosses, and timewalking dungeons, because I avoid getting overly stressed. Arrhythmia is a real downer

I enjoy healing though, as it makes me feel like I’m being useful
but mythics over plus five or so always end up with me being frustrated. It isn’t even my fault most of the time that a dps dies, but I still take it as a failure on my part, even when no one faults me for it.

Not too long ago, a friend wanted to do the mythic dungeon weekly on his budding tank. He promised that if I healed for him, we’d stick to regular and low plus mythics
so I agreed. The first three went fine, with the highest being a +5
but then one of our group said they had a +7 Uldamon, and thought we’d be fine.

We didn’t wipe at any point, fortunately
but I’ll never do that again. I’m the first to admit it’s probably just my inexperience, but the constant, never-ending interruptions to my casts made me want to break something afterward. THIS is what they call fun?!

Yeah, no.

Well, I bought a bunch of carries for my alt, linked with main (may or may not have registered.) Hopped into 17s directly with 0 score. Tried augmentation at first, but no one wanted augmentation so gave up on that. Had to heal at first.

Wager without carries, it’d just take longer.

Do raids, get gear, go into m+ and skip low keys.

The problem is that valor is gone and loot has tiers now. Used to be tons of folks in the mid keys smashing them to pieces for gear and valor. Now you got a bunch of folks in higher keys that probably shouldn’t be there, but they want the gear and healers aren’t going to want to babysit them when they can just apply to 20s.

I worry that trying to over simplify it doesn’t give credit to the nuances of how trash/boss mechanics work when it comes to damage. This is really important because it also aligns with how defensive cooldowns and healing cooldowns are used to counter the damage.

Mobs don’t just do a steady party wide dps, they have specific abilities that either hit all members or target specific people. These abilities have cool downs, many can be interrupted or otherwise stopped.

Aoe stops also provide large amounts of control to groups. As the damage or frequency of parry threatening damage goes down players can combine more pulls, because what’s important is how high burst aoe damage is during cooldowns to kill the packs before running out of stops, and defensive/healing cool downs.

There isn’t smooth curves to this where generic changes to damage, HP, or hps handle it well. Especially with infinite scaling which eventually reaches very threatening damage by definition.

Exactly this
 This is and has been my biggest complaint.

We get players switching to heal or new players choosing to heal. They start out in raid and low keys, things seem fine and they are happy. Once they start pushing higher and they hit very inconsistent road blocks on some bosses. Sentinel Talondras in Uldaman: LoT was one of those bosses during boss affix week until he was slapped with the nerf hammer.

If a player is doing say +11s (becuase plenty of crest farm groups need heals). Lets say he or she has done a good number of dungens at 10 or lower and its been a cake walk. But then go into a key where the entire run has been very easy to just a few minor hard hitting mechanics. To make it to a boss or trash pack mechanic that just simply one shots each player (I say one shot, its often a couple of quick DoTs in rapid succession) that the healer simply mathematically can not do anything about. Thats a problem. Now if the same healer went into a key and noticed, hey, this is pretty rough. I may have to work on lower keys first, then they wouldn’t be shocked when they got to a really hard mechanic they are not equipped to handle. Then slap on some good ole toxic wow players getting piffed that they are constantly wiping on a boss 2/3rd into a run. Yea are like I dont want to deal with this drama and stop healing.

Its OK for there to be big hard hitting mechanics. It makes the players (heals, tanks, dps) all know. Save CDs, use them wisely. But when a key is fine up to a certain mechanic and there are not enough CDs between everyone to solve the issue unless its a niche item to have (Say hello to my shamans Poison Cleansing totem for example). It shouldn’t be in the game. Which to Blizzards defence they have been slowly working on correcting many of those mechanics. But its so late into the season, its to little to late. IMHO players regardless of if your a healer, dps or tank. They want to feel challenged. This is true. What they do not want is to feel like there is no challenge and then be hit with a mechanic that they can not overcome. If this makes sense.

Yeah. That’s a simplification, like I said. It’s meant to illustrate the difference between “lower damage and healing relative to health pools” vs “nerf damage in m+”. Obviously some tuning might be needed once the ceiling is higher, but right now it wouldn’t matter if a healer did double the HPS of holy paladin if it took more than 3 seconds to ramp up. Doing 500k healing in 3 seconds is worth more than doing 1M in 6 because our HP is so low in relation to the damage and healing going out.

It’s very intuitive if you think of putting boxes on a shelf. You store the same amount on the shelf wether it’s in big boxes or small boxes, but small boxes let you be more creative with how you stack stuff. Big boxes have a very rigid order they have to go in, and adding another box is impossible, even if you have some space left, if it doesn’t fit in that space. You get to that point much later with smaller boxes, all while still dealing with the same amount of stuff.

We had this in shadowlands, especially in season 1-2; raid healing was even more clear. If you’re interested, go take a look at the damage and healing graphs on a fight like sludge fist, and compare that to Rashok.

For dungeons, compare DoS to Neltharus. The damage going out on Hakkar and Dealer were crazy high, but still healers had time to respond. Check the data, don’t take my word for it.