@Devs, what are you doing about Healing?

You could heal them up instead.

That’s highly inefficient.

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I play priest, evoker, shaman, and monk classes for healing.
I think evoker is the most well balanced class with enough heal skills and mana controls.
it is easier than any other classes, but every others got every different prblems I feel.
most other classes got a common problem-> Lacking mana and its really stressful! worst mana control class is the shaman I believe. To heal in a right moment only and save mana the HPS metre will drop me down in ranking, and overheals makes me mana control badly, but people mostly chose to over heals for rank HPS metre.
shaman class do a good healing but mana control for this class is worst ever, and now I play this class only when I have enough time. To be honest, I don’t really play these days. priest, and monks are a bit better than shaman. priest I feel like single heals are a way too low to compared with pally. it seems like garbage level, but pally lacks AOE heal anyway. monk classes are more balanced than above 3 heal classes, easier to healing like evoker class. honestly I recommand beginner healers to play these two, because they are fast move, good leveling but also well balaced heal than any others.
this is based on what I feel from playing since DF launched. may be other players feel different and no problem at all but I see a lot of complains about healing. it means something is wrong…

Yeah, I feel that a lot of the people who claim healers to be fine only play one class and its usually the meta. Some classes have a more difficult time with the new yoyo damage than say a pally. I would probably still be doing m+ if i picked an evoker, pally or druid. But like a dummy, i was once again sucked in by monk.

Dont go the cheal build.

I havent had mana problems anywhere in over a month.

PTC/AA is love.

Monk is the worst healer, but even then, people are still doing 27s.

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Yeah, and people can run a mile in 3 minutes 43 seconds. Not me, and I’m not running m+ with those guys.

And yet you’re expecting healer to heal up afflicted?

Maybe I’m still pretty weak, gear-wise, but I have had spirits that I holy shocked twice and still weren’t fully healed (on 16-17s). Other times it only takes one. Healing them is incredibly inefficient, as said above.

I’m a monk, my healing cleave healing is pretty good. Its probably the only thing I like about them. Also, im specced into sheiluns hitting five people which will also hit them. Often I hit that and get both of them.

I thought you were playing with people that stood in everything and actually need healing? Where are you finding the spare time?

That makes sense. I’m sure it could work for some healers, but (depending on the group’s composition) I think the cleanse is more effective. I’ve been fortunate to run with a pally tank and spriest, as well as druid, monk and evoker, and they’ve all been awesome at sniping those guys.

Vivify cleave healing and Sheiluns still hits 3 of them. I’m still healing them. Its not that they stand in everything, they just do dumb stuff, missed interrupts, blah blah blah. I mean, we did a 20 nelth the other night and the tank bubbled with mobs out of range…

So say hypothetically all damage is gutted so healing requirements are less.

Doesn’t the nature of infinite scaling just kick the can down the road and we end up in the same spot a few key levels later?

It’s funny we didn’t have these complaints before isn’t it?

Oh, but we did. Pretty sure people tried 2 healing 15 plaguefall back in the day.

Could it be them raising the reward cap to 20 up from 15 and people assuming they should be able to do them as easily as they used to do 15s?

I’m so glad you asked this, because the answer is actually not intuitive.
Short answer: no.

So, no one is asking for damage to be nerfed in a vacuum. Healing and damage have to go down together. So it takes more spells to heal someone to full. More spells = more mana and lower movement on the HP bar means people spend longer between both extremes. Longevity becomes the deciding factor. Overhealing matters a lot more then, too.

You’d still be healing the same amount of damage, relatively speaking, over a 2 min fight, but you’d have ~ twice as long to react to the damage events.

so nerf healing by 20% or something, double hp pools, maybe sameish difficulty, but more enjoyable.

In an infinite scaling system doesn’t the “lower” damage eventually scale back up?