What’s that old saying…“you can’t please them all?”
I only see this effecting me negative because I won’t have easy access to all the transmog stuff from the different covenants. Because of the type of content I do, no Mythic + or non-LFR Raids, I don’t think the system will have much of any adverse effect on my enjoyment of the game.
I like the blessing of seasons.
Hasn’t Classic seen a big decline in players?
No, but it wouldn’t bother me if changing out your talents cost more than 1 copper and a mouseclick just before a raid boss either.
I like that Mythics lock your character in for the run. It does not bother me that other things done by the character may be either permanent, or difficult (i.e. expensive) to change.
As I said, there’s no meaningful choice if the choices aren’t meaningful.
This wont change, I’m sorry you think it will. But you will still be denied because you didn’t pick the right covenant.
The only option is now you have a two week wait period to fix the issue whereas if they #pulledtheripcorde you would just need a few minutes to swap.
Your RPG experience is entirely subjective to YOU the player, forcing others into a choice they don’t like won’t make your experience any better.
Unless you count your ego
Yes, classic players have even complained and inquired about it. lol
We’re doomed.
If you want a meaningful choice, than you shouldn’t be arguing in favor of Covenant abilities.
With the current system, there is no meaningful choice, there is only the illusion of choice.
Yeah dude, imagine having to use your brain and be efficient in an RPG.
When the choice is AOE and Single Target, that isn’t being efficient or using your brain, that is being pigeonholed into having no choice at all for the type of content you are doing.
I don’t think the uproar over Covenants would be as bad if they were even close to balanced.
The Overwatch team is like this too, it’s a company-wide thing it seems
Eh, I disagree, Jeff Kaplan and the Overwatch team have been incredibly transparent, and they even acknowledge and admit their past mistakes, something the current WoW dev team never does.
Also, simple solution: just make the abilities minimal in impact. Like just some cosmetic abilities or something just for fun. Thus your choice determines your abilities, but doesn’t control the content you play
Not me. I’ll have just as much fun as I do now. Speak for yourself.
do you even play Overwatch? No they blatantly ignore garbage heroes forever. Bastion has never been changed, despite being continuously bad since launch
That’s not true.
The choice is there, and the with the choice comes a commitment. Meaning that those who make the choice need to consider all of the ramifications of that choice.
If the choice did not have impact, if the choice was not meaningful, then people would not be up in arms asking to be rid of committing to the decision, would they?
But it does have impact, a lasting impact, which is why the torches and pitchforks are marching in the square.
Bastion has received multiple changes, read the patch note history.
But he’s never been viable. He’s been low tier for most of his existence, with no major changes to make him better
Look, if they were balanced better, I would agree with you. But being pigeonholed into one Covenant based on the content you do is ridiculous.
People that like M+ HAVE TO pick the AOE ability, people that like PvP HAVE TO pick the burst damage ability, people that raid HAVE to pick the highest DPS ST ability.
And people that like to do a little bit of everything? They HAVE TO switch Covenants as often as they switch content.