Devs update with refusal to pull the ripcord

Alexandros Mograine is a Necrolord.

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Frustration is the name of the game with systemlands. :100:

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Ehhh…can you show me where there has been an overwhelming large number of testers that are for covenants? Because I can show you the opposite. Maybe it is more likely they listen to the same people that are within their own echo chamber of ideas.

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They will one they realize no one will play it or subs bleed that bad and then say “”" see we’re listening to you like the rng"""’ but might be to late by then RIP.

Its not people staying silent its the army of bads who pretend that their opinion matters. Constantly licking Blizzards boots that embolden them to make bad decisions.

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They really just need to let go of whatever stubborn this they want to personally push out. I get the feeling it may fine in their book, but dislike when everyone else doesn’t like it. When it comes to that they still implement until they realize it wasn’t good at all. Then they either remove it or improvise depending which route it goes. A endless repetitive pattern they’re addicted to.

This was an amazing update from Blizzard. I am thrilled that they decided to stick to their guns and not bend to a small minority of players who didn’t agree with their system.


Coming into every ripcord related thread and trying to cause trouble?

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It’s what that boils down to. An endless repetitive pattern.
Everyone has their opinions but when even Blizzard admits to these issues they’ve had, you kinda steer into ‘objective’ but I don’t see that changing.

They either over work their ideas, over science it and create issues that they see in their own developer mind or double down on bad stuff.

Oh well.

Do you really think the majority of people want badly balanced Covenant abilities?

I would agree with your stance against minmaxers if that was the problem, but this isn’t a small % difference that will only matter to them, this is entirely different categories of spells competing with each other.

AOE and Single Target abilities should NEVER compete with each other, whether in a talent tree or as Covenant abilities, because it creates a false sense of choice, because there is only 1 right choice for the content you are doing.

I dunno. Based on the past ten years or so, making players wait to do what they want, especially if they wait on a 31 day cycle is Blizzard’s ultimate goal. If they can do it without spending any extra time doing development work, so much the better. You’re either going to be willing to spend money on this decision making or you’re not. I’m willing to fork over the money for the expansion and 6 months of game time because my friends are playing. I guess after that my friends will have to be the ones who support the multi-billion dollar company.

Good lord the amount of salt and crying from some of the people in this thread is unreal.


I think the majority of people want this mmoRPG to have more RPG aspects. This is an all out win for the masses.

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Agreed can’t wait for the new dev team! :100:

I want WoW to have more RPG aspects. I want my class and spec feel like my class and spec, without borrowed power ruining my class fantasy.

I don’t want my Rogue to use a Focused Azerite Beam, a Crucible of Flame, a Door of Shadows, or a Serrated Bone Spike.

But keep perpetuating the argument that anyone that disagrees with you is a minmaxer elitist.


Isn’t that the same thing? You are choosing to buy time (via cash or gold), or playing and dropping it if you get bored/frustrated/anger or whatever.

But the character should not be tuned “to the content”, it should be tuned to the world at large. If you’re a single target hero, then, rock and roll, you star on single target boss fights. If you’re an AOE genocidal maniac, you’ll get your time in the sun also.

Being perfectly tuned for all content is unreasonable. Running around and 8 puzzling attributes between fights is unreasonable.

“A toon should be able to run a WQ, clear an instance, farm resources, join an M+, win a duel, and down a raid boss. Specialization is for insects.” – Rogarth Heinrock

The toon is not supposed to be an interchangeable lego doll for each specific encounter. It’s supposed to be a culmination of decisions over time and perhaps be great at one thing, but adequate at all of the others.

If everything is painlessly switched at a whim, then none of the choices are meaningful because they’re not actually choices. They’re just a collection.

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Well, I got some bad news for you. WoW is holding steady and doing just fine, these guys aren’t going anywhere other than the normal movement of the industry.


Then by your argument, we should just scrap talents completely, and go all in with restricted time-gated Covenant abilities?

No, you don’t even actually believe that yourself.

You are right.

Thanks to classic for tripling subs WoW is steady again and funded the development of the new expansion.


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