Devs update with refusal to pull the ripcord

Sorry, meaningful impact equating to a negative lock in player power is not meaningful in anyway, it is a handicap in our gameplay flexibility, call it what it is.

If the choices meaningfully impacted my RPG experience then you’d be right, but they don’t, the Covenants are all allies and my choices within this system will not ever matter in relation to the story in anyway, it can’t, because I’m not the only person playing this game.

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I agree with your post as a hole but I think I’d say this part is more people getting a disturbance in their own way of playing the game which makes them ‘feel bad’ thus they’ve gotten up in arms to the cause so to speak.

So less of a meaningful choice and more of just '‘I want it this way, because that way feels bad’ type dealio.

This thought process is a joke. You exceed doing the best you can as a DK even thought other classes might excel differently and at different things. You do not whine and cry that X class/spec beats Y class/spec at Z content. It is given that picking a class comes with different bonuses and thus positives and negatives.

Now before the superheroes for justice come in here claiming covenants are not even close to classes in equality, I completely agree. Picking this single thing to force a choice on more than talent choices or specialization baffles me. I think Blizzard is testing the waters with this ‘temporary’ choice before possibly making talents or even specialization a more permanent choice. If it does well for the game they can move forward with more choices like this and if it falls on its face, then it is just a two year period of time thrown out. I welcome the change just for the off chance that it sparks life back into this game of mediocrity.

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I never suggested they were good choices. I never suggested that they’re balanced, just that they’re meaningful and have impact.

No, they don’t. They just have to accept that they’re not going to be “the best” at whatever thing they CHOSE not to specialize for.

If you’re a raider that likes M+ and PVP, which is MORE your favorite? Given a CHOICE, which one do you want to do better than the other two?

Red pill, blue pill. That player decides, and the decision has weight.

Otherwise, it is no choice. There’s no decision at all, because everyone would simply pick “best at everything”.


Except the fact that Side A’s choice, wont have a single side effect on how Side
B plays the game.
“Oh but they will feel bad about swapping covenant abilities”
Then don’t
" but my choice should be meaning full"
Then don’t swap, in fact, the idea that you CAN swap makes you all the more loyal to your covenant making the choice infinitely more meaningful.
“But if everyone isn’t locked into a covenant I may be forced to swap”
You won’t, in fact, you can say screw those guys, find a guild or group of like-minded individuals and play the content the way you like, there are plenty of them prevalent on the forums just ask them.

I can’t stand you fanboys, the leaps in logic you do to defend Blizzard are insane, hiding this post since I can’t ignore you personally.

lol, yeah, thanks to things outside of retail subs. Classic, tokens and microtransactions are helping keep this burning boat afloat.


So, do you have any actual sources you can cite for this or are you presenting your doomsday opinion as fact?


It’s not a negative lock in to player power, it’s a boost of a selective player power. You’re not “nerfing” 2 aspects, you’re buffing 1.

The game will play no matter what you pick. Content will clear no matter what you pick. No doubt world first raiders will be choosing whatever gets them to world first. Because that’s what THEY care about. Groups who make all the wrong choices will still be able to clear content. Those who fly at the top level of ANYTHING will no doubt have to commit to that aspect and sacrifice in other areas.

Aspects like that are what make the choices meaningful.

Do you have sources showing that game is doing well without those factors? I believe I remember classic being cited in one earnings call for being the reason why interest in WoW had spiked.

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Yes it will roll as is, period.

Yes they will loosen this up in .2 or .3 - but noodle this - that has been their plan all along. It has nothing to do with feedback whatsoever, not even a little bit. It’s the plan, regardless if we love it or hate it. It is how they did Azerite, it is how they did bloods, it’s how they did cloak upgrades, I mean, it’s their core plan for all things.

It’s the forums, anything someone says or makes up they act like it’s fact, more so when you call them out about it. :joy: :joy: :joy:


For me, just as someone who really cares about the story, I think they should unite the covenants against the Jailer. This would allow players to choose their power and it would make narrative sense.

This is such a disingenuous argument.
Sure I can use a butter knife to cut wood or wipe my butt but I would obviously use a saw and toilet paper respectively when given the option, in fact, if you seek out those option over the butter knife your a min/maxer and should be broken from your compulsions for optimization.

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I didn’t make those claims. I was just asking for proof of your claim, which you obviously can’t cite.


These guys are half of the reason why I even chill on the forum, tbh. lol

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Yes, the consumer is entitled. Bow down to your corporate overlord. The corporation knows best!

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In other words, a lock in our power in multiple forms of content, forcing us to play multiple characters for whatever choice of content we decide.

You’re literally rooting for a system that locks us out of half our class depending on what content we feel like doing at that time, out of a nonexistent choice that has no positive value whatsoever.

I’d rather be ok at everything and be able to do all content than great at one thing and forced to be locked out of everything else.


Not gonna lie the drama on the forums makes long queues a lot more bearable.


What are they merging all the servers for?

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