Devs update with refusal to pull the ripcord

You’re not. In fact you get rewards!

Works for 5 year olds. Might as well toss it in your tantrum.

Quitting was always an option.


I want shadowlands to be good. I really hope it’s at least legion quality, just don’t want covenants ending up like freakinG azerite.

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They already did… BfA is far worse than WoD. :man_facepalming: Shadowlands looks good.

I almost avoided reading this post because I assumed it was just another weak rant just to stir up controversy but I’m glad I read it. The OP made a solid argument and while I preordered SL months ago I do agree that Blizz is dropping the ball here. They have such a huge opportunity right now to reestablish their dominance in the mmo community once again but their pride just keeps getting in the way.

This moment in time right now when our daily activities have become pointless and there’s little reason left to login except for to say hi to our guildies and friends, is the result of bad design during this current xpac. BFA in my opinion was one of the worst xpacs due to bad planning and execution. BFA is the result of stubborn idealist concepts of ‘what could be’ rather than ‘what will be’ and now we sit in limbo, looking back at the xpac and judging its value to the history of the franchise and its impact on the community.

Blizz is about to repeat their mistakes again if they don’t start embracing community feedback earlier. Waiting too late to respond to community feedback results in future 8.3s and I don’t even want to see another eye of corruption for as long as I live.

Regardless of the potential fallout from SL, I’m still excited for the opportunity to play in new zones and to experience new lore. I think if Blizz decides to stay the course and not give in to community pressure, I hope they make the journey worth it. Prove to me that they can create an end-game system that’s not heavily dependent on meta builds and maybe I’ll forgive them for being so bullheaded.


Here we go, another fanboy defending Blizzard, with no substance in their argument cluing us in as to why.

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Eh, I was interested in bfa from start to finish. WoD I lost interest in about halfway through. Shadowlands I have no interest in putting up with bad gameplay or bad story, or both.

min/maxing is always the reason you have to pick specific class & spec, specific talents, use specific gems and enchants, and use a specific rotation. Losing the “play my way” is a penalty, and it always has been for min/maxing. Even though your way is viable and successful, if you MUST be at the top of the charts, you will always have to follow a specific path, or be penalized…

We wanted something new and different, not a redo of a past expansion like BfA felt like, Blizzard delivered. If its not good enough for you or your unwilling to at least try the final product, that’s fine, I hope find a game more to your liking.

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I think the issue with the ripcord is that it could have existed, but perhaps the dev team voted against using it as an option.

Or we just dont know what he meant by “a ripcord”. I highly doubt the total separation of abilities and covenants was ever in the cards due to how entangled the mechanics are.

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That’s how BfA was for me. I enjoyed WoD but I was also one of the people who really liked Garrisons which I still use from time to time.

How exactly is this new and different? It’s the excact same borrowed power system as Legion and BFA.

AP is AP is AP…Artifact Power is Azerite Power is Anima Power.

Just frustrating really.

The gameplay can easily to separated from covenants. All it would take is giving you the 3 soulbind options that are linked to the ability you are using, and those switching when you switch abilities. It wouldn’t be hard or complicated. They are just trying to make excuses because their pride won’t let them admit covenants are a failure as a system.

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One big difference “No Infinite Grind of Anima”.

Let me teach you about the producer/consumer system.

Blizzard develops the game. You either consume or you don’t consume. Those are your choices. You don’t get to develop the game.


OP isn’t wrong though like we’ve already experienced the downward spiral of each expansion and how effective WoW developers has been. It’s not a good one for the fact if they screw up on this expansion. It might as well go free to play. Sure they’ll have a dedicated playerbase, but it won’t be large like it once was which was a decade ago. Bad decisions led to this route so this is their chance to make amends. They have competition now like FFXIV gives it competition on the pve side.

It just needs another mmorpg to do both and that’s it. I love WoW, but I won’t follow it forever if it doesn’t respect itself.


So you don’t have an argument, you are just defending Blizzard based on some misunderstood version of Ayn Rand capitalism.

Which is why so much feedback is being given. We don’t want to vote with our wallets. We don’t want the game we’ve enjoyed to die more and more. We want to enjoy the game.


Also, the guy is just wrong about this. In a world of microtransactions, consume and don’t consume are far from the only options.

Maybe some people play the first patch, and unsub. Maybe some people buy every 6 month sub mount. There are million options between “consume” and “don’t consume”.

As we knew they wouldn’t. No surprise but i’m still saddened. Ion and Activision ALWAYS make the game more frustrating instead of less frustrating and its ALWAYS because of money. WoW could be the most amazing game ever but its ALWAYS held back by stupid decisions.

If you remove combat abilities from covenants suddenly the covenant system is perfect. Ion and Activision won’t do that because they figure people won’t log in and pay sub fee’s every month if they don’t tie player power to external systems. That’s why borrowed power is always a thing and always will be a thing unless Ion gets fired.


Bad decisions didn’t lead to the huge drop off after Wotlk. Just to be clear. It’s a number of things.

And OP isn’t wrong but is a tad over-dramatic.

This game is already leaps and bounds different than BFA (yes not a high bar set but cut me some slack).

In all honesty, they just are either going to mess up royally and things hit the fan, or they will tread above water like they have for a while.

They’ll never fully win over this crowd that finds fault in almost everything.

I do however agree, BLIZZARD needs to reassess things 'cause they have a knack for reworking their ideas TOO MUCH (i.e. Torghast) and are clearly repeating mistakes they’ve made several years ongoing.

Past that, they have had a good run, it’s sooner rather than later that they just will go a maintenance route, and create replayable content that needs little work to keep the game afloat.