Devs update with refusal to pull the ripcord

Another strawman argument. I never mentioned master looter or a ripcord, and I myself play casually.

I still want Covenant abilities to be balanced better. AOE and Single target abilities shouldn’t compete with each other, it’s pretty simple if you get your head out of Blizzards butt.


Shadowlands is going to be a massive failure if they keep this attitude up of being obsessed with over-convoluted systems on top of systems with limited to no choice. How hard is it for them to understand? One soulbind/conduit will NOT offer the best dps for both raiding/M+/PVP.


Despair…so delicious…

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No dingus, I meant that as points to use to explain to you that I am not so blindly ignorant to the other side yet you still continue to use buzz words to slander me.

When you feel like discussing then let me know. It’s no surprise this issue split people up. You just can’t seem to want to be mature about anything.

Well at least the PVP vendor changes sound positive.


The entire thread is discussing this issue, while you bury your head in the sand and blindly and ignorantly accept every bad decision Blizzard makes.

Azerite Essences, which we’ve had for like a year now, still aren’t balanced, many specs can only use one major power.

And you think they are going to balance Covenant abilities? Get real.


There’s levels of competitiveness though, and that gets lost in the shuffle. The issue is treated as if the only options are to turn it up to 11 or not bother at all, which isn’t true. There is a point where improving performance is pure overkill.

Rental power is a mess certainly, but I suspect that many of the same discussions would be had even with new permanent additions to character systems. It’s as much of a result of the present state of the WoW community as it is the state of the game.

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100% Wrong.

If it was a permanent addition to our character power, like a new talent tier, we could just switch talents freely, which is what this discussion is about, being pigeonholed into Covenant abilities that you can’t switch freely.

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You don’t need to add 50% of class power every expansion. That’s the nuance behind the conversation right there.

People are / were happy with getting a new ability every expansion. Hell I’m happy with 0 class updates. So long as we’re not turning over the apple cart it’s something we can plan around.

We can’t plan around rental systems.


And history will repeat itself once again with systemlands. Ion is too blind to realize how players feel about it.

Dude I still remember how hyped I was in previous expansions, reading the new talents and abilities.

And now, most classes are largely unchanged between BFA and Shadowlands, a few unpruned abilities, nothing new, just more borrowed power systems.

It doesn’t even feel like a new expansion, it feels like 8.4.

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Same. The feeling you’d get saying I’m gonna do much better this time knowing the class. When classes took some effort to figure out and had some variance in play.

Kinda the same feeling you get playing PoE one league and discovering how much you like a build to reroll the next league as that build.

No doing that with rental power. It’s half of your power thrown away every expansion. Most of the time it just sucks.


I wish they just let the covenants be stories and rewards and let our classes be fun on their own, higher ilvl gear used to make us stronger and that was enough. Professions were there to help compliment that. Some of the new systems are hard for me to understand too, like azerite armor… oh my god. lol

The class halls weren’t so bad because we all got a weapon with the same ability depending on our spec. Simple enough.

That’s why I said specifically, “permanent additions to character systems”. It’s not a given that new permanent player power would come as additions to the talent system, that’s just an assumption.

In fact, with how bored Blizz seems with plain old talents, it’s almost a guarantee that the talent system won’t grow beyond where it stands currently.

I would be happy with the only changes being stabilization of class design/balance too, but I think we’re probably in the minority. Just look at how many people were upset by the lack of a new class.

If that’s what you want, then you are the last person that should be defending this mess.

New classes are different though. I view that differently anyway.

Yes, people always want new toys for their experience. Whether that be a new class, a new spec, a new ability, etc.

What they don’t want is 50% of their power coming and going every 2 years. The fact you needed to sit there for hours on end, as Venruki pointed out just working out what gear you needed for your build is just asinine. Normal people don’t have the time or patience for that.


Well played blizzard. You are launching an expac worse than WoD. Looks like I’ll be playing/subbing for it less than I did for WoD, and that’s saying something.


I personally look forward to how this mess plays out lol. Will be a fun ride.

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And that isn’t even an exaggeration. Specs like Fire Mages are like 75% borrowed power, they are propped up by Hypethread Wristwraps, Memory of Lucid Dreams, and Mastery Corruptions.

And now Shadowlands is launching with those things gone, but the class otherwise unchanged, and it feels like an empty husk.


If you read my posts, I haven’t explicitly defended covenants at any point. I’ve just been encouraging looking at the issue from different perspectives, because there’s a distinct lack of that on GD. Most posters take one binary position.

My personal opinion? Make covenant abilities a talent row or whathaveyou, but also take factions back to the drawing board and redesign them entirely, because in that scenario covenants get watered down into glorified factions and will be far too dry and boring to serve as a flagship expansion feature.

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