Devs update with refusal to pull the ripcord

I find optimizing my character fun. I find transmog and aesthetics fun. Now I have to choose because of this system. I hate it.


Dude, it’s an RPG lol

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I am not telling others. I am pointing out that demanding devs steer design to my own wants in the game is silly. If you are clearly going against the system then it’s on you.

Or don’t whine about it if you fail to accept the design in the first place. Not sure how I’m telling people to play a certain way.

That’s fair feed back.

Well if balance is impossible, the only real answer is to turn all characters into samey gray blobs. Turning covenants into a talent row is just an indirect form of gray blobbing.

That doesn’t seem like it’s necessarily the best course of action, for reasons that at least I think are obvious.

No matter how I look at it, I can’t think of a way to make gameplay more interesting and diverse as long as players take competitiveness as far as they do now. It seems like being competitive and gameplay variety are to some extent mutually exclusive, and to get one you have to scale down the other.

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It boils down to player agency.

If your choice eliminates your accessibility to half the game you normally play that’s a problem. If it hinders it in some way that’s a problem.

Nobody has a problem with story consequences. Such that you choose to be good or evil, or neutral. We did sign up to play an RPG and already pay a tax on the class and role we choose.

The problem is as always the latest rental power system presents a new issue.

Rental power systems are just not good. If we want to talk about covenants that have no abilities given just armor, mounts, tabards, etc, that’s another matter and a plus for the game.


…? :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Your point? RPGs are played all sorts of ways dependent on the developers main goal.


Try interpreting someone actually having issues with something vs someone telling people to play a certain way.

SO… I’ll choose fun over optimization every time. :rofl:


“being locked won’t affect me at all…”

“so… can we unlock them and you just stay with what you’ve picked out?”



I’m sick of Blizzard fanboys using this strawman argument to defend Covenants.

This isn’t about min-maxing, this is about basic gameplay loops that feel awful. Having an AOE talent in one Covenant, and a PvP talent in another, that feels awful, whether you are a casual or an elitist minmaxer.


As opposed to the constant trash talking you and others do. There are people that like what Blizz put out. Yes that’s a normal thing. Same way people like you whined about this topic for several months.

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At this point we have to laugh because we know it is just going to be another BFA launch fiasco but probably worse depending upon your view point. :+1: :sweat_smile:


Why is it always all or nothing with you fanboys? I can love this game, enjoy it thoroughly, and still criticize aspects of it.


its still going to affect you. you cant be this dumb. just because you dont care about the people who dont like it. or maybe like it at all. the fact remains itll still affect you

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It’s all about your PoV. What the devs seem to see as “baseline” performance is without all optimizations applied, whereas players seem to see “baseline” performance as with all optimizations applied. It’s a bit paradoxical, because nothing Blizz adds to the game can ever be considered as “extra” or “optional” by players, which is kinda weird if you think about it.

It’s not all or nothing, if you haven’t noticed you are the one using ‘buzz words’ to somehow invalidate our opinion. I never once stood out against people campaigning for this '‘ripcord’ business. Or even the master looter, or other things. I get the issues exist.

I never told you it’s all or nothing nor implied it.

How does it affect someone who doesn’t mind it. Literal meaning yes it does, everything affects everyone in this game in some form but you can’t be this dumb to not understand that if I don’t see it as an obstacle, that it just won’t affect me.


It’s not weird because it’s a competitive game.

Get rid of the e-sports, all rated play and any reason for anyone to be concerned with min/maxing. There. The issue is now solved.

Albeit not in a fun way.

Better to just do what the game used to do which is award 99% of your power on your class and spec choice. So players have a reasonably good idea what to choose for the next iteration of content.

Rental power is just not good for that.