One borrowed power system = another borrowed power system.
They said somewhere that they didn’t want to repeat the wreck that BFA systems were when they went live. Don’t remember where I saw it.
Yup, Ion even admitted to it. Which stumps me why they put themselves in this situation.
I just want you to know how absolutely proud I am of you.
Context matters
I do agree that balancing will suck.
I didn’t see that one. Doesn’t matter anyway now since it’s clearly not getting changed before launch.
Blizz may very well be in the wrong here, but as much as some players call them out for refusing to admit that they were wrong, the players are far worse in this respect.
The playerbase will never admit/own up to it, but it’s sometimes mistaken, and it tends to sweep that under the rug… it acts like it’s always right, which isn’t possible for any group of humans, period.
If a few months from now covenants end up working reasonably well as they are, expect players to act like they supported it all along.
Literally the only way this doesn’t apply to you is if you never do anything but pet battles, only play 1 spec for the entire expansion (also assuming they don’t rebalance them at any point) or you don’t play the expansion lol
True, anyways… I feel they’ll just do what Blizz usually does.
I just choose to not let it bother me. /shrug
I do agree that balancing will suck.
It will lock players into a covenant they wouldn’t have picked just for the power increases. I just don’t see this as a player positive system at all.
That’s on the player.
That’s on the player
That’s on the system.
I just choose to not let it bother me. /shrug
Choosing not to care about your character doesn’t mean that it wont impact you lol
I could choose not to care about wearing a weapon, but it’s still going to have a massive negative impact on my character.
those are exactly the sorts of imbalance we want to fix, and your feedback is essential to that process. In the coming weeks, we’ll be doing numerical tuning, making changes to underlying ability designs when needed, and potentially leveraging covenant-specific conduits if a covenant needs some targeted shoring up to ensure that they’re viable in a particular type of content.
This is the real problem for me. Balance is the unobtainable dream. It always has been - it always will be. Even before borrowed power systems were implemented, balance was rarely found.
Unfortunately, the ability to balance ALL of these covenant abilities is simply not possible. For him to double down and say “well yeah, it’s a problem, but we’ll just have to try and balance it” is a huge problem given the impossibility of the goal.
When everyone makes their choices in the first 2 weeks and Blizz goes in and messes with all of the numbers, people will be upset… people will feel all of their time is a waste… It won’t FEEL good for most players.
This has no positive outcome. I don’t see how this positively effects the game.
Yup, then maybe don’t obsess over optimization.
It doesn’t affect me at all… I already have favorite covenants picked for all 13 of my characters and don’t plan on switching any of them.
Stop telling others how to play the video game.
You play it your way, he can play it his way.
This argument is kinda silly. Side A hates this and wants to be able to choose at will. Side B likes the fact that the choice makes a difference in their mind. Side C doesnt care either way, and are just here for the lol’s.
Side A and Side B both agree that THEIR way is the way it should be, and anyone who disagrees with this is WRONG!
Its a silly argument. At the end of the day, one group or the other is going to be unhappy. Such is life.
That depends what content you do. If you are doing the high end stuff then sure, past that then it’s not really an impact unless you obsess over that.