Devs update with refusal to pull the ripcord

That could work.

I recommend not bothering. You’re 100% right, but the majority of the Ripcord crowd neither listens nor cares.

They’re too busy assuming we’re all terrible people vindictively targeting their gameplay. As if their change wouldn’t do the same thing in reverse.


Oh how naive. Are these the same people that post on the forums when they get denied for not having good raider io score? Or are they the people who do not get invited to keys because their class is bad.

Well guess whats going to happen when someone is playing a bad class with a bad covenant? Or a mediocre class with a mediocre covenant?

When these people that do not care come to the forums they will meet you. And you will tell them to shut up because there are others that dont care.

Nice community building there.


They said they wouldn’t let it go live if it was in a terrible state. Clearly the team know something the ‘‘pro’’ ripcord people don’t. /shrug

Your RPG experience can take a back seat because it’s the stupidest reason to annoy a huge portion of the player base

This is like me saying undead should be immune to fear because it’s ruining my immersive experience at playing undead


Because azerite armor was such a resounding success.


You know what? I’m excited to see all the complaints after release from the poor folks who don’t really know what they’re in for.

It happened with azerite armour, it’ll happen again


Surprise…you shall see on launch day.



As opposed to the current ‘‘community’’ we have, give me a break, it’s a swamp on these forums. And believe it or not, a lot of people don’t come to these forums. It’s literally the same 20 people rotating complaints.

I don’t tell anyone to shut up. I tell them to stop having such high expectations of pugs and go find a Guild or make friends if they can’t do end game like most players will, who don’t have issues when they have said guild.

People complain all the time that X thing won’t let them do this or that. Yet they still can do it.


If you’re sad because you’re playing a faction you don’t like, or a class you don’t like, or a spec you don’t like, or a covenant you don’t like, etc. or even a GAME you don’t like… that’s on you.

You can be stubborn and you can be miserable and you can repeat the hyperbole, but at the end of the day, the game will be plenty playable and full of fun for the rest of us being more reasonable about it.


They are waiting to see what the community as a whole think of it once they are exposed to it. Personally I wouldn’t waste my time with it if I was them. I just just gut the covenant class abilities entirely, make the soul binds clones of one another and reduce covenants to transmog and story arc tools. Then they can close the book on this debate, not have to worry about balancing them against one another and focus upon class balances/reworks and the content.


Huh, not all that surprising though. Oh well.

I’m of the wait and see mindset on this :slight_smile:

All I remember is Ion “want to see how it played out first”

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Yes azerite armor was vs switching abilties in covenants is apples and oranges.

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Queue dozens of threads: “Why is this Conduit/Soulbind I worked hard to unlock completely greyed out when I’m using a different Covenant’s abilities?!!!”

Negative. Read closer.

“Granting access to one of these without the others would lead to an incomplete or confusing result. In short, pulling on that thread (or cord, as it were) would unravel the entire fabric of the system. Even so, we would embrace the work required to rebuild the covenant system along those lines if we agreed that it would be an improvement, but we ultimately do not share that view.”

It never panned out. Instead they are trying to equalize the abilities across covenants for all gameplay features.

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Meta only affected my decisions once, when I was trying to be the server first on my realm in the Sunwell. After that I got tired of other people dictating what and how I play.


I think it is a big gamble to wait for masses of players to discover this on shadowlands launch.


lol. It demonstrates a clear inability to balance critical expansion elements even post release.

I remember wild sweeping 100%+/- changes.

They straight up gave up on some traits and just stopped putting them on gear lol