Sigh … yeah, not overly looking forward to having to choose between Bastion (the Covenant that apparently is atm the best mechanically for Elemental, Enhancement, and not detrimental to Resto), and those afterlives I think would thematically work better or this character. That being said there aren’t any that really call to me as a Shaman player, but the Holy Light, Blue-Human/Angel one is certainly not one of my preferred options of those we can choose from.
Such important choices Blizz, being forced to choose between preferred aesthetics/story vs operating the best I can in endgame content mechanically.
We actually do have a pretty good idea how this will turn out. This will be the 4th time we have done this dance with NuBlizz and they have not managed to hit the mark with any of their borrowed power systems. It has taken extensive retooling down the road to get things even tolerable. Even the Artifact system was a grinding nightmare in its first incarnation and took about half of Legion’s lifespan to get kind of decent.
The problem is with this “Throw it out, let it fail and we will fix it later” stratagem is it takes time and resources away from actual content. We have already seen the signs of patch-over jobs and cut content in every recent expansion that comes to mind. Blizzard have had to divert their efforts to fixing their “great new idea” that they were told wouldn’t work in beta, told wasn’t working at launch and still took a year or so of being an uncontroled dumpster fire before Blizzard made even an attempt at fixing it.
I am not expecting any new system to be perfect at launch but I rather they at least get the gist of it down solid and tweak it here and there as needed. Because the alternative is losing out entire content patches to solving nonsense that could and should have been fixed during the beta process.
It’s actually not a tough choice, nor is it meaningful.
I am one of the two main tanks for my guild, so I am going Night Fae. Very simple choice for me, really. However, that choice will prevent me from doing PvP related activities (such as arenas and BGs) which I like to do (I am what you might call casual PvPer) because I don’t like to be gimped nor do I want to gimp my teammates. So I will simply not be doing PvP outside of maybe having WM on.
Is it a tough choice? Not really. Is it unfun? For me yes.
Inserting your text into my quote box is a really silly way to put words in my mouth when they’re coming from your head, you goob.
That being said, I can see from your achievement list that you’ve been through the bulk of the last few expansions, which leaves me wondering what meds you’re taking that would cause you to suggest (and subsequently believe)
has ever been a realistic margin Blizzard has demonstrated to be within their capability of tuning, let alone in such a way that it doesn’t impact every player type, not just the 1%ers… Particularly since borrowed power was introduced… Particularly when
is something not even the dev team has been so asinine as to suggest is the metric by which they’re tuning. It almost sounds like… You don’t know what you’re talking about.
I decided to take a peak at your achievement list, and your achievement prestige-to-date correlation makes it obvious you don’t know what progression is or how it’s impacted even by abilities with no numerical value. M0 dungeons and Heroic/Mythic raids once they’re legacy content doesn’t really denote you as an authority on the topic of borrowed-power balancing and progression. In fact, I feel the need to inform you ‘progression’ doesn’t exclusively mean the 1% CE folks. So, how about you leave this conversation to the kids who did their homework.
That sucks. Im going necrolord as a DK because I don’t think I need the extra damage and mitigation it [nightfae] provides, so I’m settling for one with extra utility instead. The shield is a little meh right now because the cast is so long but what im really looking forward too is the grabby hand which should see use in mythic plus and pvp. Ill take a bit more damage but I’m confident in my ability to execute death strike and vampire blood when necessary. Being such a short cooldown I can have it for just about every other pack, along with bonestorm. Im thinking it’ll be good for skittish week and to spam intterupt caster by just moving in an 8yd circle lol. Or perhaps even interrupt some non interruptable abilities on mobs that either can’t or don’t get stunned.
To be fair it has solid strengths and weaknesses. It definetly came down between kyrian, nightfae, and necrolord just won it for me. The fox ability seems useful but since I have one of the best aoe slows in the game, I should be able to kite mobs as well.
I’m sorry you aren’t having fun with the choices and feel like because youll have another strength and weakness to strategies around is causing you so much grief. Wish you the best.
it was a seriously stupid mistake to include ANY abilities in covenants for group content…that can be used to any advantage in group content.
The second they did that they pretty much cemented that one would be used more than another.
just like the joke change to hunter pets where now we have to choose our pets based on it having leech instead of being able to pick the pet we WANT and speccing it to have leech. Of course many hunter players will ignore being able to run 8% faster (trailblazer anyone?) with the pet and choose the pets with the best combat ability.
so Im left with choosing from 1/3 of the available pets because of this crap.
Covenants seem to be the same kinda bad punch line joke. Choose the ONE that is the best or dont get invited
Man I don’t know if you played it on release but the bugs were what killed it. If you touched a tire you’d clip in and get stuck, and there was no “unstuck” feature so you needed to be able to aggro something and die or your toon was ruined.
I think it’s important to note that at the end of the day this is a story that the creative team wants to tell in a specific way. It’s been stated on so many levels that the covenant system is meant to feel impactful and they’re holding true to that until the end.
They can’t make everyone happy especially when developing a game or expansion there are things you have to hold steady on, especially when its a major mechanic in the game.
Not to mention the sole purpose of this game was for the entertainment of the players and to tell a story/bring Warcraft to life. All this competitive and Min/max bs to be the top players was never the intent it’s just something that developed from the player base.
At the end of the day… the covenant system is unique and it’s going to be good but only if you actually let it be good. If you just hate it because it’s not what “you want” youll never be happy with anything blizzard does.
“Lurking” public information that verifiably exposes your lack of knowledge or understanding of the topic at hand is a lack of an argument? You should have rolled a Troll instead of a Tauren my dude