Devs update with refusal to pull the ripcord

They should just let us choose from a pool of covenant abilities. The main problem is that with many classes you have to make a choice that is optimized but has mismatched flavor text.

The fact that the Night Fae aren’t the best choice of ability for any of the druid specs is pretty ridiculous.


True story: I just timed a ML15 with a +2 on my resto sham and I averaged only 9k dps…

How did we accomplish such heresy? The lock averaged 115k… for the entire run… and did 47m dmg just on chaos bolt. So… yeah… healer dps is not as big of a thing as people say.

The pulls were huge, I was very busy just healing… that’s how I like it.

Cool story bro.

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2 abilities and some passives is half your class?

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Method came out and never benched anyone for not lucking into the correct legendaries but somehow random guild rank 560093 “needs” them or kick.


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I imagine you only take brewmaster tanks, disc and paly healers, and fire mage/arms warrior/warlocks/BM hunters as dps to your normal raid right?

Because bringing other classes is being horribly unoptimal by choice.

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After this update, I’m more comfortable with the covenant concept. No one will be optimal for everything. But you might surprise yourself if you learn to play your class/spec/covenant choice well. If you don’t upgrade to shadowlands, well that’s your call. Good luck whatever you choose.

In the words of Malos Vrykan: “Let the galaxy burn.”

In all seriousness though…oh well.

You people are getting WAAAYYYYY over worked about covenants, let alone a video game in general


“Before starting an arena match, engaging a raid boss, or entering a dungeon, a character in Shadowlands can change their specialization, talents (and PvP talents if appropriate), legendary item, other equipment, active soulbind, and chosen path within that soulbind. When it comes to customizing your “loadout” – the set of tools you’re going to take into a given encounter – WoW offers more options than ever before”

This is what I am struggling with… After Joining an arena I have very limited time to: see the enemy comp, pick my correct standard spec, sort through my pvp talens, change spec and legendaries/equipment if I need to and now I can also change my chosen covenant path to complete my “load out”. When will it become too much. Arena gates are what 2 minutes? Assuming both teams zone in at the same time and you can see the comp you are fighting I have to change 5 things just so I dont get stomped in the game to be able to play competitively.

Its not min/maxing thats the problem its that there are soooo many things to min/max in order to play 1 arena game, 1 boss fight, 1 BG, 1 Mythic+ and you have to do it every time you requeue to simply just stay competitive not elite.

Ive never been great, you can inspect my armory, but Ive been 2k+ rated in arenas back in MoP and previous expansions (not saying that high, again I think I suck) but at the end of the day I have to do all this just so I dont get stomped every single game.

The way it sounds I would compare it to getting randomly 1 shot from shooting starts 3 piece when it first released for corruptions and wondering wtf happened to you. I feel covenant abilities will be a big deal and therefore be treated the same way as awful corruptions and everything else in BFA.

I dont feel as though it reflects just pvp though. I think its a huge strain to people who not only dont have all the time in world to play, but people who do all types of content. Why would you guys want to keep switching covenants just to do a singular piece of content, then have to wait I believe 2 days to switch back using the weekly quest system according to this blue post just so you can play the other type of content you like.

It just seems like it doesnt make sense and I have not once posted anything about a #ripcord so please dont flame this is just my opinion and I hope others feel the same.

Uh-oh, people are invested in their experience with a game they have put years of time and money into, they should forget the past several expansions worth of Blizzard mishandling the game from alpha to X.2 and pretend they’ll nail it this time.


It was like that way back in Vanilla. Ask any Paladin what their raid spec was (hint, it wasn’t Prot or Ret). Many classes were locked into certain raid roles. Blizzard made the situation worse by charging increasing gold to change specs, so if you wanted to play different specs, it was going to cost a lot to change (it capped at 50g which was a lot of gold back then). Some classes had it easier to work on their off role gear (like Warriors and building up an off-tank set that they could still tank in Fury and be fairly effective at it for 20 mans). Not every class had the ability to do this, though (a holy paladin was almost always last in line for Prot or Ret plate). For some DPS classes, the gear was the same regardless of spec (and sometimes they’d prefer a different armor class, like a Warrior taking a leather item because it was an improvement).

I think Blizz has really increased the viablity of each class and the roles they can play since Vanilla. I had the luxury of finally tanking as a Paladin in Burning Crusade, which was pretty awesome. I liked it when they made the change from the old system (50g respecs to how it is now). If anything, they are making the game more role friendly.

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I’ve been playing since 2004 myself. Have I agreed with everything? No, but this much hatred for no one knows how it’ll pan out? Everyone bashed Artifacts and look how that turned out. So many people up in arms for covenant abilities.

Yep doesn’t actually affect me. From what I’ve read if true the covenants are not restricted in the sense only one choice per account. So I’ll level an alt to max have a covenant for that alt then make a new one like I always do rinse and repeat.

After that I’ll go back to first alt and do other content I want and swap between the others I’ve made. Blizz just gave me more things to enjoy. So I’m looking forward to Shadowlands.

As Preach said in his response, it’s good that Blizzard doubled-down with covenants. Players need actually play Shadowlands, see for themselves what the covenant system is NOT, realize on their own how bad the design philosophy is, and then they’ll start begging Blizzard to change it.

If Blizzard had pulled the cord prior to SL launch, then we would have an army of players crying about how “the top 1% killed covenants” or some nonsense. The majority of players defending Blizzard’s approach with covenants have absolutely no idea what the covenant system actually is (in practice/gameplay). They’ll only understand once they see see it for themselves, a few months into the game.

History, unfortunately, must repeat itself.

Artifacts were terrible for the first 6 months. Blizzard finally admitted their mistakes and started rolling out improvements in later patches/hotfixes.

This is just history repeating itself.


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Yeah, the rented power system really needs to be taken out behind the shed.

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Needs to be, but won’t. What an unfortunate state of affairs.

They just tinkered with druids by charging them training cost for flight form! so not sure what the logic is at HQ somebody’s forgetting that this a quasi RPG

I want it all…, I want it all… I want it now!!! Another whining thread about covenants… would some pls make a mega thread already