oh you are a venthyr warrior? sorry maldraxxus only
think this isnt going to happen to you?
oh you are a venthyr warrior? sorry maldraxxus only
think this isnt going to happen to you?
People just have a hard time trusting blizzard after what happened in BFA.
Why do they keep putting in borrowed power like this?
You see the thing is, Blizzard is promising us they can balance 144 specs. They said that explicitly in their post. They said, “We will balance the covenant abilities you want to play, but can’t because they’re not meta.”
Blizzard, you can’t even Balance 36* specs.
edit: math is not a Retardin’s strong suit
It describes us still playing just as well lol
I’ll be pleased to see you post in 3 months saying this xpack is garbage.
wow you 5%'s are mad blizzard wont give you want you want, grow up
We’ll see in 2 months wont we. I expect to see you on the forums complaining When blizz could of saved it before launch. Even preach, taliesant, and belular all say this is going to be an issue. Don’t listen to the pro’s naw.
complaining no im pointing out the blatantly obvious if you choose to ignore it thats your problem im mearly here to give you guys a reality check.
A hard pill to swallow but you speak the truth lol
I love how he’s basically trying to mislead people who aren’t on beta.
For those who aren’t - trust me, the soulbinds/conduit for these things really aren’t that gamechanging or important most of the time. Vesper totem has one that increases it’s damage to the nearest target, that’s the level of ‘meaning’ we’re talking about here, and that’s our best covenant ability.
Again, I’m fine with the “negative” impact. If I can’t get into keys like on live, I’ll push my own key. If I can’t get into a raid, I’ll start my own. You think it’s a nightmare to miss out on 5% DPS, I’ll accept my parse and play the game. I’ll be “affected”, but I’ll still see my content.
I do wish they went harder on the covenants though. There should be additional world quests that are covenant specific. If you’re going to double down on a decision regarding this, then own it and double down on the design.
But it’s not the apocalypse you’re making it out to be. And if you’re perfectionism is crippling you to this extent, maybe go get it checked out. These are numbers tunings. It’s not like it’s something truly game breaking like having your spec left an under designed husk. Granted, those days are gone for Shadow now.
Then join the next group. Or push your own key. Even on retail, priests have to put up with this a lot for being the wrong class.
Not sure why players are surprised??
The only times when Blizzard turned heads is when there are mass unsubs or mass dislike like for Flying , nbg return to dungeons e.t.c
This covenant plea is ML 2.0 , Legion legendary 3.0
When i saw the trailer of SL at blizzcon it said “Choose your covenant” Mmm alright? Oh its a choice between 4 faction, i hope it will be meaninful, sounds interesting.
Then how SL is better if this choice is just a xmog, pet, mount, toy and a tabard?
The game will never be Thanos-perfectly-balanced anyway. Well at least we dont have issues as “i must be a warrior in order to tank, because paladins dont have taunt”. More like “i want to do a +18 and i need this covenant to do it in time, because if i cant swap i can only do a +15” kind of thing.
You’re not seeing the community for what it is and thus can’t envision what the game should be like.
Do read this when you get a chance.
I remember back in Legion, people whining about legendary drops. Not because some of them never got one or two, it was because “i didnt get the OpTiMaL legendary” lol jesus.
I mean every legendary was a huge upgrade anyway, 300%+ and you can even equip 2 of them! But for some people that wasnt enough, “they wanted the BiS legendary”
You didn’t get raid invites with the wrong legiondaries.
You know what’s cooler expanding on the existing class system and coming up with 4 new abilities for each of the 36* specs that currently exist?
Trying to now balance 144 different specs of pure borrowed power that will be gone next expansion.
That’s pretty cool.
edit: math is hard
The class based conduits are way stronger too. There is one that increases the duration of Dark Transformation for Unholy and with the new changes and Legendary you’re going to be able to keep DT up pretty much 100% of the time giving you 20% attack speed and damage throughout the duration.
That’s gonna be a hell of a game changer compared to buffing Death’s Due by 50%.