Devs update with refusal to pull the ripcord

Awesome, those are some good news.

And you are not. You are making a choice, just like you chose your class. When you do choices you consider the positives and the negatives and chose based on that. Just because it has downsides it doesn’t mean you are being punished.

And I’m sure you will consider this when choosing a covenant, I sure will.

Why don’t you just chose a covenant and do all your content on it? I’m pretty sure you will enjoy the expansion way more. You don’t need to be optimal at everything at the same time. You will not be able to, just settle down with one covenant and do your best inside it. The expansion was not designed for covenant switching, the switch is for people who think they made the wrong choice, not for people to go back and forth.

No, it sounds like a “Don’t do this, stay on the covenant you chose”.

No, it is clearly affecting only the minmaxers. Normal players don’t behave like this. The idea of someone minmaxing in LFR is hilarious, this is uncommon even on heroic raiders. This will only affect high end Mythic raiders, High end pvpers and people who like to push +20 keys, and not even them since they tend to focus on one spec and do only one form of content.

You’ll be missed

You have selective memory

This is LITERALLY EXACTLY what happened with Azerite system in BfA Beta. Here we are again.

This game started changing for the worse at the end of WotLK. This game is not even recognizable to its former self and has not been for a solid 10 years. I agree that if the game was this way I likely would not have even gotten roped into playing it. The issue I take with this is the people talking about covenants as the cause or catalyst for why this game is so drastically different all of a sudden. Unfortunately for them they are wrong. This is a very minor change that honestly will probably be forgotten down the road and not listed as one of the many things that ‘killed’ WoW.

seriously their obsession with the golden goose covenant system is what’s screwing the look of this expansion for me.

I don’t want to suffer another system that feels like crap because they couldn’t think of another way to incentivize it, or make it narratively compelling.

Which is ironic because in some cases this has potential to re-enforce min max culture.

And make it even more un-enjoyable considering switching covenants is not a easy thing to do willy nilly.

translation: im too dumb and/or lazy to min max therefore nobody should be allowed to

This bad analogy needs to die in a fire. There are no similarities. Your class does not lock out some of your class abilities to another class.

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This is ridiculous, from your perspective if I roll to resto druid and try to main DPS, my ability to DPS is normal and other DPS " are just better at that thing"

Some abilities are objectively good and others are objectively bad.

Attempting to raise the lower standards to “normal” by saying nothing is bad just other things are better is convoluted wordplay

That’s fine, but there seems to be a trend when i talk to people on here about the covenant system. The people that are defending it have not chosen a main yet.

Here is my perspective from someone that has. I plan on maining a Frost Death Knight and I would like to join the Necrolord covenant. I also plan on pushing keys in this expansion and raiding. The issue is that the Necrolord ability is F-tier for a Death Knight, literally where the power of the Lich King’s scourge came from.

The best ability as it stands is the Night Fae ability, Death’s Due, by miles. Choosing Necrolord would actually be a joke in comparison. Would it not be a better system to let us use the Night Fae ability/related soulbinds in the Necrolord covenant, than to force Death Knights into the Night Fae covenant because of how large the difference is?

Of course, I could still choose Maldraxxus, but I would be putting my damage output at a very serious disadvantage. I use Death Knight as an example but this is an issue for multiple classes/specs. Does this not seem like a prevalent issue?

How is mechanics hard content? Do people still play on a 56.6? :clap:

Of course not, it locks you from the other classes abilities.

It’s gonna get stronger with this. There are clear winners in covenants. Far above others. So people will take the best abilities and still min/max.


Covenants lock you out of your own class abilites. You don’t get another class’ abilities if you switch covenants, lol.

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they lock you out of another covenants abilities, not your class abilties

why is people suprised? I said this already they wont do it right away they will see how things will turn out on live first.

9.1 will fix it
or maybe 9.2

ok 9.3 for sure.


Looks like someone doesn’t know the story and is making ill informed conclusions!

It’s a shame. Shadow Lands is going to be an amazing expansion, but people are going to have bad opinions on it because of covenants.


You are doing a good job missing the point of what I’m saying.

Each covenant gives your class an active and a passive ability. There are four of them. They aren’t for other classes, races, whatever other decisions you want to compare.

This is the replacement for there being no final row of talents at max. A discount on ability choice.

Each covenant has a class ability tied to it. Total there are 4 new class abilities for every single class. You must choose a covenant to use that class ability. For example, you must choose Kyrian to use the Kyrian Warrior class ability AND Kyrian “racial/baseline” ability.