Devs update with refusal to pull the ripcord

I disagree. Covenants are not even attempting to break the min/max culture. You make yourself as good as can be with as many positives and as few negatives as possible. Just like class selection now covenant choice is being baked in more or less. You will be the best [(instert covenant) (insert spec) (insert class)] you can be. There is nothing wrong with this. You can still min/max with covenants and it will not change the culture at all.

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You are comparing Covenants to making the choice of picking a class. It’s not the same.

Other covenant abilities “for your class”
I don’t see Paladins getting a druid Night Fea ability if I choose to go Venthyr

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It is more or less the same because Blizzard is forcing it to be that way. Should it be the same is another question but right now it is very similar.

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I believe it’s the design focus as much as the actual gaming systems that will ultimately destroy WoW. This whole “grind for things you need, and then grind some more if you want these things” seems more like a mobile game to me. I mean, take Island Expeditions and Warfronts - they are rather like what I imagine a complex mobile game would be. You could practically put your toon on follow in a Warfront and still get your reward at the end. That isn’t what I enjoy in a game - if it was, I’d be playing on my phone.

While the creation of the systems might be intricate (as the developer post said) the end result appears to be nothing more than layer on layer of things over which I have little or no choice. If we get into yet another example of Corruption effects, I really think it will be the death knell of this game. When I see a character doing massive damage and I check the meter and find that more than half of that is an effect over which the character has no control at all - well, that isn’t the game I signed up for.

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But it’s not breaking it. I actually don’t see why it bothers you so much that people want to perform well. If it doesn’t affect you, why do you are? Is it just for the sake of being obnoxious, or?

I’ve spoken with loads that have mains and still are interested in how things are as is and have their own gripes with the system that deviates away from this topic.

Yeah, thing is, I don’t put weight to it. I kinda just am not THAT kind of player. So it does annoy me if X of something else is higher up on that tier list so to speak but I just always adapt and if it’s a big enough issue, I just literally don’t play. I play something else that is fun.

That’s my mind set.

I have never brushed off someone elses’ opinion, I just focus more what I feel and if I like something or if I want to try it out, I’ll say so. (You never said I brush opinions off, I’m just mentioning it)

guess ill see SL in 9.3 when it wont be so bad.

Ok, point me to 1 relevant difference between them

So you can be entitled but they can’t? Ok…

Blizzard has lost about 9-10 million subs by now due to not listening and insisting they are right, but i’m sure you’re right, we all just have been dreaming that people have left in a mass exodus in BFA, even though Blizzard has stated they were wrong. That’s why the population is booming so well… LOL you can’t make this stuff up.

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It would be the same if some of my Warrior abilities were locked into another faction somewhere at the start, when I started playing this game. They were not. All my talent rows were there. I just had to earn them to unlock them. Then could switch out of battle at any point.

This you can switch once for free. Go back and it’s a two week grind. It’s not a row of talents at the final level. But one active ability and one passive ability. That you are btw stuck with no matter what spec you are in. So change that spec, and that ability might not even work well for you.

Thank god you came in here to make that misinformed conclusion on me with nothing constructive to add but to just flood this thread with more non sense. THANK GOD.

Does anyone else not really care one way or another about this issue but gets a child like joy out of the reaction it causes?


Sure if you boil the argument down to " your locked in to it"

But classes are not Covenant’s, and the argument used to compare the two is horribly misguided

How am I ‘entitled’.

Are you being purposely obtuse? I just explained why it’s different.

“All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride.” - Sophocles

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How? You can literally already change Covenants, and they have always been described as changeable. Therefore the choice is completely meaningless from the very beginning because it is not binding in any way shape or form. No one, listen to this: no one, can force you to do anything you don’t want to do. That choice is 100% yours to make, whether Covenants are locked or open or anywhere in between. This excuse that having the option to change will force you to change them, which thereby takes away your choice is utter hogwash.

Wouldn’t your RPG choice be better if Covenants had zero powers associated with them? And instead it was a binding, cannot ever be changed no matter what forever decision that was purely RPG?


you’re missing a key distinction here, that character is a VENTHYR paladin, not just a paladin.

It makes no sense why they would prefer it fail live when it’s been proven to fail in beta. Like azerite. I suppose they enjoy being told “we told you so”

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