Devs speaking out against blizzard

It’s not hypothetical, it actually happened and that is my situation. Despite making less than half, I have more money in my bank account than ever and I don’t owe any money on my house. Cry harder. I am not going back to crippling debt because you call me stupid.

Oh and the water tastes WAY better here too. Natural spring.


How good a wage is will be relative to the cost of living for the employee.

Blizzard pays decent wages for someone who works from home.

But, since they are requiring people to come into the office, in a very high-cost-of-living area, with some of the Western world’s gnarliest traffic, the wages become garbage.

There is no reason for most developers to come into the office other than to satisfy the egos of the small-minded managers and executives who need to “see” things happening, since they don’t actually have the attention span or intelligence to understand how the work actually gets done.


I didn’t say when PEOPLE make too much money… oh…

OH wait you seriously don’t know what causes inflation do you?(I thought you were just being dishonest)

If that happens, the results will be seen in the ending cinematic of the raid or in the development of 10.1 like disappointing.

It is not to disappoint me yet, but everything will be seen later when we are already at 10.1 and finishing it.

It’s funny they think we are stupid after seeing my bank account go up each month and be able to afford to live and eat and have nice things now. I got a 4090 and core i9 13900k, something I could never afford living in pittsburgh due to taxes, gas, rent, food etc.


It’s definitely not from private companies making more money, that’s for sure.

Because you chose to live with less. And you are living with less. You might think you’re making more, but in all honesty, you chose to work poor.

Please enlighten us on what you think causes inflation I look forward to laughing at you sputtering something about private companies making profits.


Your seething rage is quite funny to me. Brand new 2022 trailer, 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, with a front porch and a shed and about half an acre of land. I have more land for my animals and family to run around on now. But you keep beating your chest in protest. Tell me again how I have less now lol.


Would a company make more or less profit by increasing prices while artificially cutting supply?


Why would I be mad at someone who couldn’t handle paying a mortgage?

That has nothing to do with inflation.

I handled things fine, but prefer this because I have way more out here than I ever did in the city. I am about to go buy a 2023 dodge pickup with cash in hand. Stay mad, dance monkey dance.


Then you only know about the demand side of inflation.


Guaranteed, someone like you wouldn’t get in a position of power.


By the sound of it you couldn’t.

we know you are confused, and maybe you too can move out of whatever situation you are in and you too can find peace and solace. It’s nice to live in a cheaper area and own more.


It’s nicer to live in an expensive area and own more than you.

Except every city I have ever visited has high crime rates and isn’t nice.

You’re about 20 years too late on this guarantee. Already happened, with multiple fields and employers. I must be doing something right to keep getting these improved opportunities.

Good luck to you all in the real world. Someday you’ll stop pointing fingers, you’ll look in the mirror and figure it out.


Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!


Who said anything about the city? You know there are expensive areas outside a city, right? I mean, I know you’re used to seeing trailers out your window, but honest there is.