Devs speaking out against blizzard

yeah, I don’t get where this

Blizzard is losing amazing talent because someone in power doesn’t listen to the game directors who make his products. DE&I also means diversity of thought, especially when it’s backed by data and financials.

becomes about working from home and marxism.

Says the government worker.

Yes, correct. Everyone is in heated agreement with you.

This is just the way of life.

If you’re great at software, you’ll find a place that provides high pay with WFH. This is a good thing.

I see where you’re coming from with this. Lots of my friends completely agree, and we still chose WFH jobs. If they exist, we’ll take them.

Many haven’t returned since Wod. They’ve been hemorrhaging developers since always.

They’d be out of business if that were true. The “work from home” removal was stupid. I think they thought people would just want to keep working at Blizzard. It’s beyond stupid.

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No, they wouldn’t be out of business. You replace the developer that leaves. High turn around happens with every major corporation/large company.

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It was an exception for COVID. WFH was not permanent.

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The woke dude does have a point, though. If I lived in Irvine and paid $3500 in rent, and I had the chance to live in Boseman, MT for dirt cheap and make a banded-version of my salary? Yeah I’d refuse to return too.


Because that is why a lot of the long term staff, esp staff who worked on DF at home, are leaving. That impacts the project schedule and delivery of DF patches.

The “direction” for DF was done years ago regarding story, cinematics, core game systems, etc.

If the people who were working on delivering those content milestones in the road map we were given leave, we don’t get it on time, or features they wanted to do are missing.

This is about company direction, not game direction. People got thrown off by the mention of DEI - when what the Twitter post means is that other ideas about HOW to get the job done should be listened to.

People have been beating up on Blizz senior mgt for it for a couple months now. If you watch the staff Twitters you can see a parade of long term folks leaving over it, or other corporate policies.

Not over who falls in love with whom in a game.

Yes, and no. Blizzard was hardcore about ONLY allowing work from the campus for anyone. Period. No remote offices, no work from home - nothing. Then COVID happened. Now some teams, and some individuals, were granted perm work from home. Not everyone though.

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I am doubtful you see where I am coming from when you respond like that. I was originally agreeing that whole subject had nothing to do with the thread which was about this.

Blizzard is losing amazing talent because someone in power doesn’t listen to the game directors who make his products. DE&I also means diversity of thought, especially when it’s backed by data and financials.

But since I seem to be having problems communicating with everyone today I am going to have to say it is something I am doing and just get off here.

that isn’t what that tweet said - they said it was about diversity of thought, i.e. creative differences.

Blizzard is losing amazing talent because someone in power doesn’t listen to the game directors who make his products. DE&I also means diversity of thought, especially when it’s backed by data and financials.

Which thought? They have differences with mgt, the big ones corporate influence are working conditions, and pushes for things like MTX. Not quest lines or something like that.

This is Corporate pushing things that make the people who actually MAKE the game content decisions then build it, leave.

This is not about Wrathion or something. Blizzard story writing has been all over the place forever, and is not something to quit over.

The point of the Twitter, I think, is that data and financials back that DF is a good expansion and that WFH was successful in producing a great expansion. Corporate, despite the evidence, wants to drag people back to Irvine. People who will leave for greener pastures instead.

Ok dude, good luck.

Who cares why it started. Now it’s a clear employee benefit. You either offer it or you don’t. And since Blizzard salaries are already crap, how do they intend to keep talent? Every Blizzard competitor can get talent by offering WFH.

I’m woke? Why?


Not all businesses are going to acquiesce to WFH, most can’t. I don’t know what game developer would be willing to provide you with a satellite office in the wilderness, but you can try, I guess.

Shadowlands was also ‘WFH’ was that a success too?

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Not you. The guy who is seeing everything through the lens of working conditions and imagining Blizzard devs in chains and being whipped into the office.

How is 275K salary ‘crap’?


geez man you are making a bunch of assumptions - they would not have said diversity of thought if it was about working conditions.

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SL was primarily conceived and built in office. Release was pre-COVID. The further patches on it were done from home though, for certain. SL as a concept, and the systems in it, were not appealing to me. That is not the fault of the WFH folks though. They were finishing the roadmap they were given. Which was solid enough, if you liked the content. I just did not care most for the content. Although, I did like ZM.

My bigger gripe is QA and launches/major bugs, etc. A long term issue, and one that is pretty contentious as well. Hence some unionization of QA folks.


This is a reply to his initial Tweet that he has re-tweeted to add context to his concerns about loss of staff due to corporate decisions. Yes, the person is also a Blizzard employee - senior game design.

I feel fairly confident with this clarification he retweeted, that yes, it is about working conditions and corporate decisions about HOW to get the work done.