Devs Should Chat With Us

The Zoo Keepers don’t sit down for Q and A sessions in the ape enclosure


whoa whoa, Blizzard doesnt like communication. If we ask them a question, they will have to cancel a raid tier so they can get together and figure out how to answer our question.

And what if they read a mean comment? They will be traumatized for life!


I get the whole “I CAN’T HELP ALL OF YOU AT THE SAME TIME” situation. It can be very overwhelming. You just have to relax, calm down, and try to help people. Even if it’s just baby steps

If you’re doing good things, even if it’s “not enough” then it won’t matter, because the voices who speak loud SHOULD notice and SHOULD communicate to the masses… “hey, people, they are trying their best”

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This, I use to blame the devs. But it’s not there fault. They can only put in what the game leader wants. And if that vision dosnt match yours… Then tough. Kinda how I see it now reading former dev’s twitters and current devs twitters.

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When communication is low, it feels like we are being looked down upon, and we are being farmed for money

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Pretty much are.

Only way we could get the devs to talk to us is coordinated unsubs.

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I love the people who threaten publicly to unsub WHILE also noting they just purchased a 6-month sub

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Who are they and what do they do?

The Devs come on anonymously all the time. I get whomped by Ion regularly when I say stuff like I think 11.7 is geared more towards males, But they need to hear that stuff, or it wont ever balance.

Heck , I call forum chatting my ’ thankless job".

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The whole world is just an Animal Farm and everyone’s always out for lunch.

communist pigs dont taste as good as capitolist pigs

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Bro this company is identical to Bethesda now. They want to hide anything and everything that they are doing because it’s fail and embarrassing.

Meanwhile, in my other indie games that I play, they were posting WEEKLY updates on what they’re developing.
Project Zomboid posts weekly updates when they can, Grim Dawn posts them months apart and Factorio was posting updates on the expansion bi weekly or something like that. Even Terraria keeps it’s player base in the light and their updates are YEARS apart.

PoE 2 just had a leak and the devs were like “you know what, screw it” and just released all the info on Ascendancies.

Good game = transparency.
Bad game = embarrassing tip toeing and utmost secrecy and complete radio silence.

The only secret games that turn out good anymore are Red Dead Redemption and GTA.

All gone now.

Hopefully Pelagos will give them a new assignment that they like.

They are a business, of course we are being farmed for money.


I think people remember old devs way too fondly.

And on a side note:


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They do chat with players all the time. Just not socially awkward scrubs from the forums.

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Not for nothing, but an adult human using fail as an adjective in a sentence and spouting off grand conspiracy theories concocted by the nerdy makers of a magic elf video game is far more embarrassing.

If you want to know why they engage with this rabid pack of socially-retarded hyenas only when absolutely necessary, look up Tseric. Tells you all you need to know.