Devs said SOD would be puggable wtf is ST

Literally every video and friends that did the raid after nerf has all said if youre able get pass 2nd boss 5/8 is possible but needing 4 tanks is dumb, trash taking 20 minutes to clear is dumb, how the hell did the devs say theyre making the game more dad friendly and every raid easily accessable and puggable to sunken temple not even doable for the average guild let alone elites


We 2 tanked most of it and went 6/8. Your off tank can help with boss 4, but otherwise 1-2 tanks is all you need.


I will universally agree with this in every raid format ever.


I noticed in my group that Acid breath is not consistent, it can cast back to back. When both drakes are up, this is an issue for 2 tank comps.

How so? In general gnomer was run with 2 tanks … well kinda 1 off tank/dps and 1 main tank. So with ST, you’re going to leave 2 tanks dead in the water? That’s what happened in TBC and Kara. You had to kill off some tanks for the larger raids.

Ah, I wasn’t clear. That’s a 3 tank fight.

Um, yes during the learning process. But after the first 3 weeks, 1 tank was used except on boss 5.

Not one single fight in gnomer needed a second tank.
Not a single one.

Even if it did, dual spec makes this irrelevant.

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What happens when it happens on both drakes and both tanks have 4-5 stacks?
1100 damage taken per second is nothing to sneeze at.

Honestly we had a tank go down and brez’d him. Still a 1 shot.

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Aggrend designed a raid for his streamer buddies instead of the vast majority of SOD players? Shocking.


Pretty certain only one drake uses acid breath. That’s what swapping is for.


It’s week 1 of phase 3


Who tf is this raid for lmao

raid hasn’t been out a week and i haven’t full cleared this is insanity BLIZZ i want a refund on my sub or else i’m quitting!!!


Dads killed Ragnaros in the re-release and have felt entitled ever since.


sad but true, this is what 99% of these forums dwellers think :rofl:

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You’re surprised Blizzard lied to you whilest taking your money? Sorry, Microsoft*

Well, BFD was “easier” but it was constantly being ran. Gnomer was a much bigger step up and population started dropping…people arent playing this to struggle. They want to go in, blast it and get loot.

If they start making it harder and harder, their population will dip harder and harder.


BFD is nothing more than a glorified dungeon run with 5 extra people