Devs have no idea what they're doing for pvp

Doing a blanket dps reduction without actually addressing the imbalance with spriests, druids, pallies, and hunters just proves how lazy they’re being.


Pvp dosen’t matter, stop with these threads.


shut up dude, lot of people like pvp better than pve.


Lots of flies like horse turds, they still don’t matter.

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My soul link demo build is gonna be even more unstoppable.

The problem is not that there’s too much burst damage in PvP. It’s not everybody wants to roll glass cannons and “pump”.

PvP is actually in a great place right now and the fights are fun. There are only some outliers like boomies and shadow priests. Which of course Blizzard busted even more.

boomies and spriests are outta control. guess I’ll just roll one instead of actually needing any skills in pvp.


“pvp doesn’t matter” says user that can barely pve either.


Correct. And?

Just an interesting take from someone that doesn’t engage in the game in any meaningful manner.

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It’s very easy to fix this. The problem is that you are taking a video game seriously. You need to stop doing that.

Humans are so interesting man. People playing SoD for good MMORPG PvE should be collected and studied.

Things move too fast. We scare easily. Good thing I still have my Nintendo and a warm blanket. Like the wise and noble Stephen King once said “Sooner or later, everything old is new again.” Dude knows a lot about fear and comfort. Maybe Blizzard should hire him for their next redux

agree. 10% buffs nerfs are so lazy and do nothing

Dude you are the definition of a pathetic being. Please do us all a favor and touch grass, and perhaps just leave and never come back. Oh, one more thing, nobody likes you so stop trying to get attention!

ahh yes because pvp is so competitive in classic and not anything to do with who gets the jump on who /s

I keep a raid team full each week, p3 is extremely bad. Lots of players dipped, requires you to rebuild l, restructure and start over. Is what it is, but I’m clearly playing more than you are if you think pvp matters =].

1 post, said pally imbalanced… Another shaman gaslight?

Shadow Priests are the most op pvp class ive ever seen in all of my 15+ years playing wow.
Blanket dmg nerf isnt going to do crap but make hybrids even more op

Bros blaming the phase for why he can’t keep a guild together. Sunken Temple is the best raid of the 3 new raids.

Players spend more time PvP’ing than raiding in SoD.

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