Devilsaurs in Ungoro crater

Per the map there should be tons of them but I am here and 30 minutes later not one is walking around. NONE!!!

Devilsaur - NPC - Classic World of Warcraft (

I don’t think that means there are that many. It means that’s the area where you can find them and where they might spawn.

Generally, there are about 2 of them which wander around. I don’t know their spawn timer off the top of my head, but I do know they’re fairly popular for people to want to kill.

Unless you’re being facetious and I bit the bait.

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Are you searching for a specific look to train as a hunter for pet?
Once one of them is killed they seem to spawn randomly with regard to type ie tyrant or ironhide or just plain vanilla devilsaur.
If you are looking for a certain version (ironhide for the dark color) then keep looking/killing and good luck.

are you on one of the fresh servers?
because one of those people may be killing for the leathers

Nope… still running around trying to find one. It’s killing me because I just need one to tame then off to pvp

Dunno if this will help … but:

Not 100% certain on the relevance for wotlk classic, but it might have a tidbit of information in there somewhere for you.

Devilsaur - Hunter Pet - World of Warcraft (

Devilsaurs - Pet Family | Petopia - Hunter Pets in the World of Warcraft (

Finally got one wow almost took an hour to get 1 tamed…

They’re stealthy.

They might be hiding…you are kinda scary.

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