Just learned it’s part of Umbric’s dialogue when clicked on too much to say the following,
“High elf?! Please! Why would you want to be a HIGH elf when you could look all tragic and brooding?”
I’m not a High Elf fan, I consider my Void Elf a defected Blood Elf, but this dialogue left a bad taste in my mouth.
This gave me flashbacks to when DMC tried to reboot Dante, and they had the white wig cutscene that only served to trash on fans of the original Dante.
Well look how the tables have turned…
Void Elves & Donte were meant to be “edgy” versions of what the fans actually wanted.
Fast forward, Donte is dead with Devil May Cry 5 release, and Void Elves are getting their High Elf customizations.
DMC combat looked amazing & the soundtrack was awesome, combichrist was a great pick.
Too bad it was a scuffed Dante, absolutely killed everything for me. Then you had Vergil lookin and sounding like some weird cult member, totally murdered his vibe.
They wanted Vergil to have a fedora. I wish I was joking.
I think DMC could have been better if it was a Devilman game. It just has that vibe. Especially if you just remove the Nephilim and use Devilmen instead
One easy fix to Vergil would be have him think he royally messed up after Mundus destroys the city. Have him think “if I had more power I could have stopped this” and cue Vergil’s power obsession
The other way they dropped the ball is the only time you see someone really cry it’s Lilith after we, “The good guys”, shoot her in the stomach and kill her baby before shooting her in the head.
Bro what the hell LMAOOOO I straight up didn’t know this. I think I would have actually vomited if the game featured a cutscene of Vergil tipping his proposed fedora.
The game director wanted to tear down and recreate a beloved IP so badly it hurts. I don’t like to wish bad on people but I’m happy he failed, dude coulda just harmfully rebooted the game but he chose to straight disrespect the originals instead.
Now all we need is to actually see Void Elves be part of the Spotlight again than making them into the bad guys. Like give them some land, homes, something cool like their own story in terms of a faction war or conflict than everything bad.
If it wasn’t for the Horde’s 500 year BG que’s and the insane iLvl gap between honor & conquest gear I’d dust off my Wotlk Darkspear Troll Shaman in a heartbeat.
I refuse to merc on a Horde character. The Alliance races/customizations my Shaman gets morphed into are trash, ontop of the fact that I don’t even get to choose what race/customizations I merc into.
You guys literally got spotlight in BfA´s faction conflict. Did bad stuff and guess what? NOBODY aknowledged it -as usual as far as Alliance races are related-.
Wanna be what would happen if Orcs or Forsaken send civilians to a literal torture hell? No need to answer, we already know since Cata -nonstop chastising for the Horde players in-game-.
So, excuseme Mr. MHP poster If as a Horde player I rather DON´T get any of my fav races involved in any shape, way or form of “faction conflict”. Cause every time this happens you guys just lose more territory and we lose more characters, period.
I´m sure the Velves can become relevant outside of playing fodder for any Horde race.
Yeah I’m not a big devil may cry fan, but I get why the fans didn’t like the new guy. The shame of it is that DMC was actually a really awesome game in its own right! The boss fights are so damn cool!