Devil May Cry & High Elves: History Repeats

Elves are the most popular races in game! We need more of them!

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We need Thalassian Elves to crossbreed with EVERY playable race in the game so every race can get a body toggle at character creation of a half elf version.

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This is more like if they gave dante an alternative skin, than completely redesigning him.

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That was psychedelic as hell.

The Rian Johnson of Devil May Cry.

I’m still waiting for Star Wars to get its redemption the same way Devil May Cry did with DMC5.

(Mando comes close but it ain’t quite there yet IMO.)

Um. Did you forget the tree?

You literally did exactly that and got off scott-free by blaming it on the banshee.


You have a funny definition of “scot-free” but that aside, yeah, did you miss the fact that no one but Sylvanas knew where they were going?

But hey, better focus on that so no one will look at the fact that Elune sat back and enjoyed the campfire simply because her sister needed the fuel.

Roasted Teldrassil Elves respawning in the Maw be like,

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