Deviate Delight

Deviate Delight is still popping, if you want a “fresh” experience come join us! Great community, and fresh Auction House


I can hear Bob Belcher…


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Can confirm I am enjoying the Barrens right now :slight_smile:

Roll today, the server’s fresh!


its not fresh anymore, and the community aspect of it pretty much died when refresh split apart. I think its fair to say its just a low pop server now lol

I was here, enjoyed the initial hype, but the community is kinda jacked. Once the streamers popped in and people started getting doxxed here, I called it quits. Just be careful who you engage with I guess, now I know why streamer servers are disliked by the normal populace. Lots of weird drama on these servers, watched plenty of good people now get screwed by the weird streamer communities, people who were at the forefront of the movement here and doing a lot of good things initially. It just became really weird, so just be cautious is all I’m saying.


@quaker this all of this, deviate delight started out good but got bad fast because of all the craziness. you absolutely hit the nail on the head

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Drama and crazy is a standard part of a vanilla fresh.

Now that it’s happened, we can finally just play the game :slight_smile:


It’s a sad parallel, but scavengers do tend to circle the freshest meat.

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And we are nice and tender, anyone on the fence should just make a toon and give it a go

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Is this alliance or horde related?

Sounds like what happened to Bloodsail Buccaneers when Appealcore happened.


It was never fresh to begin with.

Bots have stockpiles of gold and materials on it and all it takes is just 1 botter to decide to flush the markets. It also had 60’s transferred to it before transfers were disabled which are now abusing the establishing market by farming high end materials.

It was a good idea but people will be people and mess it up. Even if blizz make a fresh server it will be dominated by streamers and the sweat crowd trying to be relevant unlike they were in the initial 2019 release.


Have you tried it Psychachi?

sounds like someone is a lil… mad

Yes. In the back of my mind the whole time while leveling I just think about the gold sitting in the server waiting… Or the fact people can buy gold still. Or thinking about the 60’s that were transferred over that are 10x ahead holding the shots for prog groups.

What you’re probably going to suggest is for me to tune all of that out and act like it doesnt affect people. But truth is it does affect people. Don’t be delusional about it.

Its the same mentality with trying to tune out the GDKPs on whitemane and act like you can get into regular groups often. It isn’t happening.

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I am still making Warriors here and messing around so I have no idea what the “community” is like at/near end game.

So far it has been fine, decent. I’m seeing people grouping, offering trades for low level items or just giving away something decent for another class. Very little in the way of rude or toxic behavior, which is not completely avoidable in an MMO.

It still seems like a decent time to get started. Not as many groups as there were but they are there.

People put too much importance on streamers. I guess it makes me a boomer, but I can’t be bothered to care what they are up to or what their fans (literally don’t understand that) are doing.

Server seems fine to me and so far none of the garbage that makes Whitemane unplayable.


I rolled a shaman there initially but my entire chat was between 2 streamers fighting, in LFG, in the guild I got invited to, in general chat. Got very tiresome so that shaman is sitting there unlevelled now. Not like I could just mute 1 or 2 people as well cause level 1 chars kept poppin up to spam.

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There is a magical addon that will handle this very nicely.

Yea we having fun on DD. Lots of people leveling right now.

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