Dev/Frost Damage

I’m not though. Just hard to convey thoughts I guess. :man_shrugging:

I guess I’m just finding it weird that you can express an opinion and then be told your wrong for having it. =/

That would be new if you couldn’t dispel it, I know for sure Death Mark can be removed.

Don’t even engage with this guy. Poster boy for trolling. Despite the topic bro will just be like “well you play this” doesn’t matter that thread.

Posted a pic of a sub rogue doing a million damage with just 3 eviscerates and the first response was “well ele”. Hardly play my shaman anymore and pm do the same as you. Mingling with Dev because ele feels really corny to play.

Dingus has the audacity to spout off and look ppl up everywhere but has everything hidden like a coward


That’s not true. :frowning:


Nah Arfbishop

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Ah. Miss that guy. :frowning:

It’s the worgen monk taekwonstupid

I think they are separate people. Arfbishop hated me. =/

What would give you that impression?

Not to derail I’m curious what that dev is running because 405k eternity surge is kinda extreme.

Damage comes down on Tuesday and maybe the pacing normalizes but honestly the game just has too many moving parts between tier/talents/trinket bonus etc

Crits has been nerfed, stamina expanded, trinket bonus nerfed buffed, reworks nuking participation.

It’s just a wild ride and how long you want to stay on the roller coaster at this point

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I got a 450k surge crit first try on a target dummy

Yea. =/

Funny enough I was streaming for some friends at the time it happened and we all just laughed. What’s funny is nothing is happening. As in the healer isn’t in CC. The mage wasn’t in CC/stunned. The dragon did pop offensives, but without any interrupts or anything else happening, it’s not something you would think would warrant any instant action.

Mage was at 57% with a 200k barrier… and then dies .7s later. I have been running Interlope a lot lately for this kind of stuff and there is really no way for me to react to that. Maybe if I was staring at his health. Not sure.

That’s where it gets weird. It’s like we could easily slump into a dampening season if it weren’t for some of the crazy and random burst. Having to make these split second decisions constantly though is getting old. The first 15-20s of so many matches is just a cd trading fest. So many things get overlapped.

Which makes it more obscene in PvP since the dummies mods are borked

Yea my prehistoric reaction time can’t handle it anymore, I just laugh when I get jammed up by Sub cus I forget my time stop bind for a nano second after trinketing

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Well, I found it pretty ‘comforting’ watching the RSS tournament and seeing how often those players were making similar mistakes. I don’t blame them though as It’s really a product of the design. Vanguards dying without using bubble. People walking out of darkness and dying. Overlapping defensives. I feel like it’s left us a bit skiddish when we see CDs now. Like going up against a DH and Arms on bladesedge. Both of them putting out 150-200k dps off the opener and it’s hard not to fumble a key or two.

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For me it’s when the hunter/casters drag the cleaving melee back onto their healer at the top of the ramp because they don’t wanna die alone.


Bother what you’re describing is a lack of skill perpetuated by former dampen seasons. I’m not saying that to be pedantic I’m pointing out the following.People panic when they’re in a situation they aren’t used to. Give them a regular stimulus and they don’t even think about the response.

The fact that the highest rated players in the game make mistakes is fine, because they’re human.

You and I have a lot of great discussions but we don’t agree on this. Which is totally fine, I just don’t see that the hand holding should be a thing. Look at Season 1, the very start. Huge population and crazy burst damage. They nerf that, then the defensive toolkits for most classes to keep the game ‘quick’ and tons of people peaced out.


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I saw that.

Put it back. :anger:


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Thank you. :dracthyr_love_animated: