Development Preview: Cross-Faction Instances

C’mon, you know you want me!

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I’m not. I guess I was assuming it was something different than the communities tab. But that’s more informal than a bnet invite so I’m fine with that too.
People asking about guild achievements have a point then I guess.

Or they could just have opt-in factionless guilds and make the system actually useful.

I’d love to blay DI dwarf, but with the system like this I can’t.


Great news about time!

let’s goooooo

sylvanas for stormwind queen, finally anduin will get a wife, ally-horde peace at last!

Guilds will remain single-faction




This sucks. Yet another example of players ruining the game by asking for stupid features.


Also just take VERY close note of the release of this news right after the boosting thing.

Not an accident.


Pretty sure he was responsible for much of the Legion and BfA questing and storylines, which, imo are some of the best the game has ever seen.

I’m starting to think there’s a lot of misplaced responsibility headed his way.

Honestly? THANK YOU.
One of my best friends plays alliance side. He’s tried Horde, I’ve tried Alliance-- while fun, we don’t have the time to keep our alt-faction alts geared as much as we’d like.
Now I can do content with him at some point (somewhat) soon and I am SO HAPPY about this.


Whaaaaaat? Are you saying that stopping the annual big bad sucking our planet dry isn’t a good reason to stop killing one another and wasting resources with a dumb war??

For real Blizzzard, you already have neutral AHs and they’re in the core Goblin cities. You have the neutral foundation… let my waggle kill Alliance and Horde and they can target me if they want. I’ll sign up for it.

Is blizz gonna give my friend a refund for transfering one of his alliance toons over to horde to play with me a couple of months ago. nope

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This is great, but with one exception: Guilds should not be limited to same faction. There needs to be an option for the guild leader to opt in to allowing both factions to join. Likewise, I would make it so players looking for a guild will see if it is same-faction or mixed-faction in the guild finder, and also when they receive a guild invite.

Also, regarding faction-specific duties like ICC, BDA, TotC, et cetera, I would recommend selecting the version of the duty that matches the group leader’s faction, and temporarily race-changing all players of the other faction, like how it works in Ashran and BDA.


This is a very welcome change. However, since the writing has been on the wall that this was coming I can’t help but ultimately be disappointed. This change must extend to guilds in order to produce the desired effect for most people. People want to be able to play their desired race without it impacting their guilds and raiding. As you can see from the outpouring of positivity on this change, most people do not care about a historical faction divide that long ago ceased to make sense from a gameplay perspective. I know for some people it is important, but everything I have seen indicates that this is a small fraction of the remaining playerbase. Unrrated PVP queues would also benefit from cross-faction being the default mode as there is a major disparity in queue times and a surprising number of people do not realize mercenary mode is a thing.


I think this is a great first step, but I think allowing us into opting in to thinking of guilds as a 3rd party to the factions fits well enough into the lore (at the end of the day, class halls would essentially be guilds in lore). It certainly is needed for this feature to make sense. Rest of restrictions seem fine.


ESO has faction wars. SWTOR has a faction war. This isn’t a unique concept lol. “Faction war” hasn’t been relevant until BFA, where it failed miserably and was quickly replaced by “big bad uniting the Horde and the Alliance”, like they do every expansion.

This change will bring and keep FAR more players than it will push away.


Can we expect limitations on mythic raids similar to cross-realm being restricted until Hall of Fame closes? If not, what does this mean in regards to forming “Guild Groups” to gain credit towards typical rankings? As well as the affects on hall of fame itself, as there very well would be alliance characters killing the boss with horde guilds.

added a post with some questions to the CC forums: Cross-Faction Announcement

Cross Faction RP? HELL YEAH

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