I completely missed that. Thank you for pointing that out!
I agree with xfaction guilds, but I’m ok with this stepping stone as well. xfaction guilds are a huuuuuge want for me.
I completely missed that. Thank you for pointing that out!
I agree with xfaction guilds, but I’m ok with this stepping stone as well. xfaction guilds are a huuuuuge want for me.
World of Warcraft, as it is, is rooted in racism. The only true way to “right that wrong” is to allow any race to become a member of either faction. But this is a promising start.
Here’s to hoping that they fix legacy raid scaling!
Well done Blizzard.
I am just curious when the classic wow overworld and the old dungeons and quests will come back for retail chromie time. I would be so happy.
i mean cool but the whole guild thing should be for both “factions”
We can’t have enemies become allies in game yet we can in the real world .
THere really hasn’t been a faction conflict since WC2 ended and the ones we got for WoW were so badly written that I honestly don’t think they could ever write a faction war worthy of the first 2 RTS games to save their lives. WoW has never really been about the factions being at war with each other , it has been about both being at war with who or whatever the big baddie of the expansion is .
Love this change, thank you!
Can we be able to group cross-faction for random BGs if we enable mercenary mode?
That would be dope.
This is Pathetic.
To be honest DI Dwarf is my fav race.
It really is, on so many levels. There’s a series of micro-stories about people breaking down race barriers, but the world that Blizz made is set against a backdrop of multiple literal race wars, actual and attempted genocides. That part is fine, telling mature stories set in a fictional world is great. Love it. Allegory is awesome. But it has to be done right, and WoW isn’t the right place for that. It’s not Mass Effect, or Dragon Age, or Fallout. The writing simply isn’t good enough for, and the MMO medium simply isn’t built to accommodate, that level of nuance.
What makes the game seriously cringy to me whenever I think about it is that the OG devs, who we now know were tone deaf at the very best and creepy predators at worst, thought it would be a good idea to marry the races of the game to real world counterparts in a way that uncomfortably otherizes non-white cultures.
Stop and really think about this. There are no non-white human npcs in WoW. Juxtopose that with the fact that Orcs have dance moves associated with African Americans, Trolls have accents and dance moves that borrow from Caribbean and South American cultures, and Pandaren are a straight-up stand-in for Asian cultures and you come away with a pretty icky feeling. The inter-faction conflict in WoW is not a political, ideological, or even national divide. It’s a straight up race war, and the people crying loudest here about preventing cross-faction play are doing it in a way that reminds me of weird dog-whistle racists’ comments form other online platforms. It just feels . . . off.
Call it one more reason that it’s just time to move past the faction divide.
EDIT for grammar.
It’s a change in vision. I mean, come on, you really think it was easier to require all party members be the same faction?
Interesting. I tried to make a big long post about how very, very true this is, but Blizz keeps auto deleting it. The speed with which it’s taken down makes me think that there are buzz-words that trigger some kind of automatic deletion.
The long story short is that the OG devs were, intentionally or not, feeding us racist tropes like they were going out of style. (Spoiler alert, they were.)
And the folks complaining loudest about maintaining the faction split give off the same vibes as racist dog-whistlers on various online fora.
Call it one more reason that the faction system has outlived its usefulness.
EDIT: and yes. I did specifically log into this particular toon for this particular post.
Instead of faction binding races, follow in the footsteps of the enlightened Panderen following the Cataclysm, and let each character choose their faction.
Now is the perfect time to implement this into the story line, with both sides committing atrocities against each other like we have never seen before, and not all citizens being happy with the actions of their leaders.
This approach would require much less lore erasure and retconning, and would each the systematic burden of change. It would further more able to be built into the story line more naturally to feel more like an organic progression rather than bringing out the retcon hammer and destroying a history that is held in such reverence by those who have lived it.
They can keep the “Allianz v. Horde” flavour that a percentage of the player base like, but updated to a modern interpretation of the classic ideology, which can later be further revised to completely remove factions if it feels right at a future time.
I agree with Izae. And your statement is a reflection on what is wrong with this game. Insulting someone because their opinion is different from yours?
So I am wondering if I can trade with opposing faction members I group with and loot with. Do we share money loot? And will that mean I can give or receive gold from opposing faction members I am grouped with?
sim agora teremos 100 mortes em uma pedra 15 nice blizz
We have enough problems with people in dungeons that we have to Vote to Kick, some que as a healer and have NO Idea how to heal!!! Now if we have Alliance and Horde together it may cause a brawl, some people may troll and pull more mobs just to kill the opposite faction, I don’t think this is a good idea at all, If you do this you may as well take out PvP and make us all the same allies…
I think this is a fantastic start and I can only see good things to come from this but your going to have to allow cross faction guilds.
The main reason is let’s say I am apart of a horde guild but I want to go alliance, now I switch my faction but I cannot chat to my guild mates unless I am in discord with them.
This also means that if I want any kind of typing conversations with people as I grind or do whatever in game I have to join a different guild to get that.
You could say the guild could create 2 guilds, one for alliance and one for horde on the same server but if only 10 people of the guild go alliance your not going to have the same kind of conversations as if everyone was there together.
I think it’s a good start but you need a bit more
Yes, it’s much easier to allow limited cross-faction play under specific circumstances than it is to allow it globally. Since the technology already exists for cross-faction instance based grouping, you can further delay a lot of coding changes required - related to guilds, guilds, language and communication, mob tagging in the open world, and so on.
Obviously, this is easier, since the technology for cross-faction instance grouping already exists and has for a long time. I also find it interesting that you’ve gone from “that isn’t tech debt” to “this is change of vision”; strawmanning your argument isn’t going to make you right somehow. To the point, I never said it wasn’t a change in vision; I merely said I like the change, it needs to go further, and I appreciate the amount of work this entails. What part of that are you actually trying to refute?