Development Preview: Cross-Faction Instances

I haven’t seen any “great lore” in many years … and if you mean “faction conflict” lore, I assume you’re talking about WC1 and WC2? Seeing as WC3 was about unifying forces to defeat Archimonde, and almost every expansion of WoW since then has mirrored those same story beats? C’thun, the Scourge, Deathwing, etc.?

The Faction War got its day in BFA – the expansion that nearly killed the game on account how universally hated it was and how horrible its “great lore” was. The factions should have been killed off many years and several expansions ago.

I’m not even referring to the employees / creators. I’m referring to the minority of outspoken Faction Carebears that encouraged Blizzard to remain on this disastrous course for years and years beyond its expiration date. No one cares about their stupid Factions or Faction War “story” anymore.

I agree that this change is motivated by the game dying. This is, however, one of the reasons why it has been dying for years. The VAST majority of players do not want this tired, boring garbage shoved down their throats anymore.


Completely agree. They could start working in being partners and having people behind them who backstabs the peace with the story revolving around a classic “who has done it”-storyline.

Except some people on Horde Mythic guilds Will switch to get better racials now that they can get a mix of good racials, so you Will see the same guild in both factions.

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This is why there need to be cross-faction guilds asap. As soon as you give access to both sets of racials, you’ll see guilds stuck having to form cross-faction counterpart guilds to house the cross-faction characters. Why go through that rigmarole, just give us the cross faction guilds.

And faction-neutral guild housing would be nice too. SWTOR and DDO have guild-specific spaces in the form of ships and it’s pretty cool.


Hmmm, this new cross-faction party chat feature could do wonders for wow’s rp community

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Love this change, thank you for improving player experience.

Why did I hear this response in Zenos’ voice?..

anyone else…

This really does feel like the end of WoW to me. I’m glad others are happy, but this makes me really sad.


It is.

Now it’s the World of

‘Let’s all hold hands together and sing Kumbaya’


I disagree. I view it as extremely pointless. I was looking forward to throwing cash at blizz for faction and race changes. The fact that i can’t stay with my guildies means it’s not going to happen. I’m not going to pay them money to make it harder to socialize with them and join groups.

This solution really doesn’t help anyone, except pure puggers. Alliance guilds will still struggle to recruit, because they can’t outright recruit those horde pugs. It doesn’t help people who want to play alliance races who have found good horde guilds.

This is 100% Blizz being blizz. The community wants something, and blizz is adamantly against it. So they half-heart it so they can say they did something. Ultimately, they will likely have to go the whole way, like with the covenants that they were adamant they would not make easy to swap. They KNOW this is a stupid implementation but they do it anyways because they are stubborn.


You are such an overreacting, disingenuous crybaby, it’s actually hilarious. If this change pushes people like you from the game, all the better.


I am so excited about this! I can’t wait for the day my Zandalari Troll can group with my husbands void elf! Maybe even one day we can both be those races AND both be Alliance or Horde as a result of a betrayal/embedded spy quest. It may be a pipe dream but I will continue to wait with baited breath for it. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I totally feel ya there and agree. Best thing we can do is continue to pressure Blizzard to include guilds in cross-faction.


Bold talk from someone who doesn’t even have the guts to post on their main.

Have a couple guildmates who are in a similar boat, one loves the Horde and actively dislikes the Alliance, but their Husband is the other way around and found an Alliance guild to raid with, and so they have had to play characters and the faction they don’t want to play in order to do stuff with him.

They are ecstatic that in 9.2.5 they will be able to play the characters they like, that are in the guild they love (the horde side one), but with him in the raid content despite him and his guild being Alliance.


This is a great compromise. This will make those players yelling I just want to be able to play with my friends happy. While at the same time keeping the stinking Horde from causally walking around my capital city. Well that’s if I had a capital city for them to causally walk around in if the they hadn’t burned it to the ground and committed an act of genocide that’s gone unpunished! But you know what I mean. This is a great addition to WoW. I like this just the way you implemented it. Thank you!

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About Time!
Now if only we could see some old questchains return! Like the MOP Cape Quests, and the Scepter of the Shifting Sands Quests!

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Another W.

I like the idea of smaller content being cross-faction and cross-faction guilds, but hey! Step-by-step.


Blizzard, if you want to keep guilds separated, i highly suggest expanding your Communities feature to be xfaction.

These guidelines led us to the following system:

  • Players will be able to directly invite members of the opposite faction to a party if you have a BattleTag or Real ID friendship, or if you are members of a cross-faction WoW Community.
  • Premade Groups in the Group Finder listings for Mythic dungeons, raids, or rated arena/RBGs will be open to applicants of both factions, though the group leader may choose to restrict the listing to same-faction applicants if they so choose.
  • Guilds will remain single-faction, and random matchmade activities like Heroic dungeons, Skirmishes, or Random Battlegrounds will all remain same-faction (both because there is less faction-driven pressure around random groups, and to avoid compromising the opt-in nature of the feature by randomly placing a queuing orc in a group with a night elf).

They already will be, the above from the linked article on this very post.

That said, it still should have cross faction guilds, it should be a simple toggle option to allow or not allow cross faction members for the guild leader, and there are multiple guild things not possible with communities (guild achievements, guild bank for raid supplies or for repair costs, calendar events for guild raids or other events, etc…)