D-did you not read what I just said after that? I outlined the problem that cross-faction guilds faced with the guild bank back when glitches were used to forcibly make one.
They’d need to resolve that first before cross-faction guild banks can become a reality.
This really is just 1 of many things they should be doing, or should have thought about and implemented years ago. So many stale repetitive systems in place that clearly show the lack of thought and care that only now they are choosing to change. Which must be prompted by the sale to MS and the urgency to keep what number they have.
… time walking and how it only happens once a month… WHY? also why cant you use raid finder for the time walking also? then maybe people would actually do it?? maybe all the dungeons mythic+ also… k k sorry… just frustration…
There are plenty of examples … “Out There” … of this functionality being implemented. It isn’t something complicated or difficult. They could do it in a heartbeat.
bugs are fixable. saying “oh no we can never do this because at one point when pandaren released there was an issue” is a pretty bad reason not to do something.
I recognize that the current system has 20 years of code baked into the faction divide.
However, nothing is unfixable. Except maybe the 16 slot backpack
We look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback on this feature both now and once it arrives for testing on the 9.2.5 PTR. We’ll see you in Azeroth.
Faction Divide still exists in the lore sense, and the player choice is still meaningful (i didn’t gather that horde would be able to /camp out in stormwind for example), but now i don’t have to wait an hour to look for a +21 SD on alliance.
I can mythic raid again with my “guildies”
now people can stop crying about the “faction imbalance”…well on retail anyway…my heart still goes out to your classic players
This is incredible news, and I am looking forward to race changing at least a few characters on day one of 9.2.5.
THAT SAID… PLEASE reconsider and include guilds in the cross-faction system. Guilds are a fundamental part of playing with friends. Communities are great, but they are NOT the same as guilds. I’m an officer in my current Horde guild, and I want to be able to continue in that capacity even when I race change back to Alliance. Guild chat gets used WAY more than community chat, so people in the other faction will inevitably be excluded (however unintentionally) from guild activities, I won’t be able to contribute materials and other supplies to the guild bank, and a real big one: we can’t count toward guild-specific achievements/runs!
Please, please, please give us cross-faction guilds. You can include the same kind of flagging system as you’re doing in the premade group finder, allowing guilds to flag themselves as Horde-only or Alliance-only. (Honestly, the random dungeon finder could also do this - default to cross-faction but all players to select Horde-only groups or Alliance-only groups.) I would even be okay with cross-faction guilds if I could only access the guild banks in cross-faction cities like Shattrath, Dalaran, Oribos, or Booty Bay.
It’s how most successful developers have always operated.
Blizzard used to get away with launching at perfection because they used to launch better products. That day is loooooong gone. Now they are mere mortals doing the standard routing of . . .
This is awesome. You can’t queue for random BGs, forcing randoms to play with the other faction, which is good.
However, Blizz, you should make it so you are able to queue as Alliance in a party with Horde who have the mercenary buff. At a minimum…
…Maybe even implement something like a mercenary buff for both factions, regardless of population. And regardless of cross-faction play, you should implement into the mercenary buff the ability to choose which race you disguise yourself as. A Blood Elf hunter, for example should be able to choose to “disguise” him/herself as a Void Elf hunter instead of human, and a Night Elf as a Nightborn, etc.
They could totally just let people LEAVE the Factions with their characters / guilds. That way, the ones who want them can just stay in them and life can carry on as always.
This is a prime example - one I’ll end up using in classroom examples - of delayed refactoring. If you’d like, I can recommend several books on the subject.