It will just require some extra work. They already have faction-neutral interactions for guild banks in Shat, Dal, Oribos, etc. Hell, I’m perfectly fine with only being able to access the guild bank in those types of cities for a cross-faction guild. I imagine there would be some recoding involved, but… well, it’s an effort that would be WELL worth it, IMO, even if the cross-faction guild feature isn’t released until, say, 10.0.
Important piece that I do not see listed. If the group remains hostile in outside content, summoning stones need to be located inside the instance. Or scrap the hostile part and allow them to be non-hostile when in group to allow summoning to raids and dungeons.
It’s good, but I want guilds too. My guild has a great atmosphere that I don’t want to miss out on while playing opposite faction.
Add cross-faction guilds and we are golden. Not every guild will be obligated to be cross-faction though, just leave it up to the guild leader/officers to decide what’s best for their guild.
This was a joy to read, honestly. I love the respect for the lore and personal choice, and it adds to the immersion of the game for me ultimately.
It’s not difficult. Others have done it “elsewhere” relatively easily.
Neat change but it won’t really accomplish much when guilds are still monofactioned. Getting people to spin up a duplicate guild and a cross faction community is a tall ask
This, 100%. Give us the option to leave the faction with our guild and accept anyone else who opts out. It’s entirely player-choice-driven and opt-in at that point. Everyone wins.
Will you be allowing cross-faction in-game communities then with this so we can still “chat” with guild members who are dying to be opposite faction but still want to participate in social conversations?
Wow, I cant wait to be a human again!!! For the Alliance!
This will literally save the game.
Now, cross faction guilds in 10.0, pls. This would be an excellent quality of life improvement.
Please just let us be in our home guilds. Please.
Well done.
Something that has been a major part of RP event planning for years is using instances. Non-aligned / cross-faction events are increasingly a major part of the RP community’s activities. This will be an amazing help for us. IC raids for sure, but it’s also simple enough to have a few high-level characters clear an instance to set up casual events in areas where there is no easy access to non-instanced versions (tavern night in the Grim Guzzler anyone?), …
Looking forward to the first formal ball in Mogu’shan Vaults with the Engine of Nalak’sha as the dance floor!
PS: Dear Blizz -
Please make garrisons cross-faction.
I mean that’s quite the assumption to make with zero knowledge of what the code looks like in there, and who they have to work on it.
They will get there I’m sure, but it’s not a matter of changing a variable declaration on a single subroutine either.
This at least shows they are willing to move in the right direction.
No, it’s not. It’s an open and apparent fact, spoken with confidence and experience. Perhaps you’re not understanding what I am saying here. It has been done, without difficulty, by unpaid volunteers.
There is ZERO excuse anymore. Blizzard should be ashamed of how little progress they’ve made when the unofficial scene has been rocking “craved features” like this for years.
Edited: Don’t want that to come across as an attack or a flame, though. I am happy with the fact that THIS step is being taken. I do see this as PROGRESS and moving in THE RIGHT DIRECTION. But I do want them to go further.
Can you add the cross-faction feature to WotLK Classic’s dungeon finder when it comes out next year? It will help with queue times just like the current cross-faction PvP implementation.
Don’t get me wrong, this was a long time coming but I really hoped this would have been a feature that was reflected in story and not just a bare mechanic. It seems that Blizzard keeps forgetting they are developing a world, a world in which we, as players, putter about. MMORPG’s are really the OG “metaverse” and many of us still engage with WoW as a world we escape to, not a rough collection of bare mechanics we interact with for a few hours a day.
But I also understand we don’t have the luxury anymore of organically building up to cross-faction. And frankly, it’s better we see this now than to hold off on principle.