Development Preview: Cross-Faction Instances

I misinterpreted this at first lolol, seems like it might be cool :open_mouth:

Yes please give us cross faction guilds!
There is so many in game “faction guilds” such as the Cenarion Circle, The Ebon Blade, etc
 setting precedence of all races working together.

Seriously imagine how cool an all druid cross faction guild taking on the emerald nightmare?


While I agree that these changes add more options for players, And I’m excited to see and play with these options, the current plans as described here do raise some concerns and issues to overcome from a raid lead/guild lead perspective.

As a raid leader, It’s going to be more inconvenient to coordinate calendar events, group invites, and out-of-instance communications with players that want to play on the opposite faction compared to the rest of the group, Because this is going to need to happen from a player that has everyone else on the other faction on a bnet friends list rather than being able to jump into guild chat or set a MOTD that all members will see. community groups are an option here, however that doesn’t fix guild-wide communications unless we have every member in our guild also join another bnet group. This still divides in game chat channels.

Without Guilds allowing cross faction membership, we’re going to see a potentially significant number of our members want to switch over to the Alliance, which leaves them to either find another guild, make another guild, or for us to create a ‘sister’ guild on the other faction and try to manage people in both places. That raises leadership overhead for everyone, unless those members just want to join another guild, and in that case they’ll probably want to socialize and run with that guild anyways if they’re active.


I’d love to have cross faction guilds but its obvious that its a lot more difficult to work in than the other systems or they would have included it. Its probably more on the technical side than any other consideration.


RE: “Instances with extensive faction-related gameplay”: Why not just temporarily switch the faction flag of the player to that of the party leader when entering those kinds of instances?

Seems to work just fine with merc mode in battlegrounds
 Granted, that also changes your race to a valid one


How do we make our communities cross faction?

The Horde shouldn’t exist. Certainly not in its present state. I’ve never wanted to be part of it, but my video game character is forced to be due to stupid binary game mechanics. Fortunately, being on an RP realm lets you at least pretend to invalidate most of the garbage of Blizzard’s writing.

But regardless, the handling of the factions is certainly not a feather in the cap of Blizzard’s writers, by any measure. Not only are they terrible at it, but the very nature of how both are structured is completely defiant to any realistic expectation. Allegiances fracture and evolve over time. “Alliances” falter, shift, and fade.

Conflict does not need to be binary, and I believe that the ones that involve multiple competing interests are all the more interesting. We’ve dealt with this “Same Old” garbage for going on 20 years. It’s tired and boring. It needed to die a decade ago, and hopefully this is the first step toward that outcome.

I only pray it comes fast enough to save this dying game.


It’s more that the in instance lore seemingly prevents in Blizzard’s view the option of having the two factions working together while inside.

Look at ICC.

The gunship battle is used as the reason to currently not allow cross faction play.

The issue is, and Blizzard at least SEEMS to want to address this somehow, is to seek to allow CFG into ICC. CFG is Cross Faction Groups.

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hopefully it gets updated to include guilds and mythic raiding. otherwise it’s still pointless for end game pushing. also it doesnt really make sense to be able to do rated pvp and not the other side of the coin. I’d love to change my main to an alliance race but that obviously cant happen while im mythic raiding


Game is dying and numbers low so they have to do this, even though they clearly never wanted too. Hopefully they wont drag it out like everything else that they do
 they could hire the guys from ascension and have it done asap. But that is not the blizzard way.

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Time to join my friend’s parties and RP as a racist dwarf towards them.

Okay, now seriously. Stop being stubborn and remove mythic raid lockouts after the first 100~ guilds get the kill. You want people to enjoy doing something repetitively in your game? I will spend 40 hours a week pugging mythic Sylvannas. no joke. It’s time to let it go, Blizzard.


Or give us a way to learn some of the other languages, even within our faction. It never made sense to me lore wise that Quel’dorei were in the alliance but now none of the Sin’dorei can speak common. Orcs spent how long in internment camps but never picked up any common? Thank goodness for pandaren and demonic


What about trading within such a group? To hand over flasks? Unwanted item drops? Etc

Appreciate the thought, but
 no guilds makes this incredibly underwhelming.


Goblins hate the alliance

If only the patch was coming out tomorrow eh?

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I’m going to bet they can’t do it for guilds. Yet anyway.

They should just build onto the community functions and make them the new guilds.

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Nevermind the fact that all of the important NPCs can all communicate with each other effortlessly 
 or the fact that the Ren’dorei immediately learn how to speak Common upon being corrupted with the Void (and forget how to speak Orcish?) for some unexplained reason?

I’m so sick of this stupid BS. They have needed to end the factions for years.


Damn, so many good news today.

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