Development Preview: Cross-Faction Instances

Please allow for cross faction guilds, even if its optional in the same way as the group finder is. Not being able to have raiders use guild bank/in game guild events/calander/chat is a logisitical nightmare and undermines the benefits this would have for mythic recruiting. Communities just don’t provide the same functionality and sense of teamwork as being in the same guild does.


There are elements already there that could’ve worked, but because of the writers unwillingness to go all the way, it leaves everyone unsatisfied.

  • Genn hates the Forsaken.
  • Tyrande should still hate the Forsaken.
  • The Dwarves and Gnomes should be raiding Mulgore for Titan Artifacts.

It’s there, but it needs commitment. Chopping up the story for a third, neutral ‘guild’ faction would just make it more needlessly complicated.


Complexity and Conflict are siblings …


Why not just allow for faction Betrayal, like way back in Everquest 2? Undead priest wants to be Alliance, you go to Mathias Shaw and offer to be a spy. You do a questline to prove your loyalty and at the end you gain the language proficiency in Common and you become an Alliance character.

Shoot, pitch it to your Activision overlords as the cash grab it could be. Human priest buys a race change to undead and, not wanting to waste time, buys the all new empowered faction transfer that instantly converts him to Alliance.


We need cross-faction guilds


I think this is the most excited I’ve been about WoW since I found out the Alliance was going to get to raid Orgrimmar. Unbelievably exciting news (and yes I’m trying to be realistic about the fact that it won’t solve everything).

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Nah, some of the greatest conflicts start with something incredibly simple.

Kane kills Able.
Arch Duke gets killed in Serbia.
A moisture farmer discovers a message in a droid.
A hobbit thief steals a ring.


^^^ she right you know.

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Come again? Im not sure you are fully understanding the change.

Everything that lead to that wasn’t simple. Most of the stuff we do is the build up.


Microsoft coming in HOT.


It’s not like I didn’t see it coming. The whole end of BFA sequence for example. Aside from that, it will allow faster grouping and not the stop gap “merc” mode.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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OMG! They’re doing it. I am gobsmacked.


Why no cross-faction guilds? Seems like the obvious thing if the focus is indeed on organized play.

Plus, no way I’m rolling ally characters if it means I can’t chat with my guildies when we’re not doing any such content.


Need more clarification on how this impacts Mythic raiding. For now I’m assuming no cross faction guild = no cross faction Mythic raiding


That does not invalidate my position.

Complexity BREEDS Conflict. It always has, since the dawn of intelligence. The binary nature of “RED TEAM VS BLUE TEAM!” is so disgustingly sloppy, particularly with the fashion in which Blizzard’s “writing team” handles it. They are incapable of doing anything but making one side the primitive evil savages and the other the pristine heroic knights that never do anything wrong.

Lazy “Binary Faction Writing” is the enemy of good storytelling in this franchise.

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Hoping this will be the remedy for any faction imbalance that exists.

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Looks like Blizzard hired divorce attorneys from the yellow pages. We lose our boosting communities and are now forced to play with people we have been attacking and avoiding for almost two decades. Smart move…

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Depends on who’s doing it, honestly. The Lancasters and the Yorks in the War of the Roses were explicitly Red vs White. The fun bits are how it played out.

Because they could never push it further. Look at Mists of Pandaria. Horde shouldn’t exist. We shouldn’t even be having this conversation. You would be bowing to me and, in a graceful tone, telling me how awesome the Alliance is and how lucky you are to be indentured into it.


" Make this an opt-in feature as much as possible." If you make a group in Premade you can choose to stay single faction:

“Premade Groups in the Group Finder listings for Mythic dungeons, raids, or rated arena/RBGs will be open to applicants of both factions, though the group leader may choose to restrict the listing to same-faction applicants if they so choose.”