Development Preview: Cross-Faction Instances

Thank you for listening <3


I was going to make a comment about wanting to earn “the Fishing Diplomat” diplomatically some day :slight_smile:

(Every little step helps)

I would love the writing to get as complicated as Martin’s ‘Game of Thrones’. Anduin going out like Jeoffrey would awesome.

I think the best way to handle the faction raids (Battle of Dazar’alor, Trial of the Crusader, Icecrown Citadel) would be to add a toggle to the player options, similar to size (10-man or 25-man) or difficulty (Normal, Heroic, Mythic). For Trial of the Crusader or Icecrown Citadel, the toggle could just make the player’s friendly to a specific faction inside the raid and enemies of the other faction, but leave the player character as their already chosen race. For Battle of Dazar’alor, since the swapping race tech is already built into the raid, those specific fights could just swap specific character’s races, if required, again, based on the raid leader’s toggled option.


Any chance we could see other things like cross-faction mob tagging too? A Horde player and an Alliance player who are both on the same quest, helping the same Shadowlands faction, both working toward the same goal, but not sharing credit for a kill that they helped each other on doesn’t make much sense.


Okay. Then I’ll put down the metaphorical knives for a moment. You do realize that creating division and conflict by SHATTERING the Factions would only increase the likelihood of precisely that sort of event, right? I mean, they have openly described the Alliance as “The Captain America Faction” on the main stage at Blizzcon. Their view of it is sanitized and stale. I honestly do not understand why you would not want to see it broken.


I’m glad someone talked about it early.

Without guilds, people are still gonna need to join Horde to apply for Mythic guilds
 and former Alliance players on Mythic Horde guilds will remain trapped on the Horde side

This is really frustrating


Just keep like-bombing every single post demanding CF Guilds!


do your own homework my dude

Again, its just a start. Keep bringing up guilds and hopefully they work that into the next expansion


What’s the plan in terms of cross server raiding(and mass transfers)?

Can you raid current mythic raids cross faction?

Does it unlock with the hall of fame filling up?

Are there any plans to change tying cross realm raiding to the hilariously imbalanced hall of fame?

What’s the timing on plans to enable the mass transfers?

Will this coincide with more realm merges, with so many realms still with alarmingly small populations?

Think that’s all the questions I have for now.

You look at how inner conflict gets thrown out the window in WoW and tell me that could even be done? I mean, these are the same people that struggled to give Alliance motivation to kill Garrosh when they found out Vol’jin and his band of idiots were throwing themselves on the spikes.

I would rather the Alliance and Horde attacking each other, through deception, arms, and anything else.

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Oh, so you can’t. Good chat.


Back to my “original” elf form.
so good

Thank you. Seriously, props to you guys. All the recent news has been dub after dub imo and has me seriously considering coming back for 9.2.

I will just say, I know you said you are considering extending this feature to guilds; please do as soon as possible. Possibly 10.0. As soon as I can stay in my guild and play a Horde character, you will be getting $25 from me and I will be a Zandalari Troll or Mag’har Orc. Let’s make it happen baby


Party pooper x2

I wouldn’t say pointless, but Cross Faction guilds have to come ASAP.


My argument is that maintaining the integrity of “The Captain America Faction” (their words, NOT mine!) is going to be the biggest OBSTACLE to overcome if you ever want to see the writing get gritty and violent and complicated. The current path is broken. You seem to agree with me on that. Radical change is the ONLY path that brings even a hope of progress on the storytelling front.


Ever since microsoft took over wow has been getting nothing but w’s, I’m so freaking happy.


Thank you for this much needed change to the overall state of the game!

More support for this in game please?

Such as, maybe consider an opt-IN allowance for players when the standard is to opt-out?

Also, glad to read that there are plans to retool older and hopefully even current multiplayer content to allow for sensible cross faction groups!