Development Preview: Cross-Faction Instances

I know that this is likely to get lost in a sea of comments, but I do have to put in my two cents: this really should include guilds. Guilds don’t need to function as faction-specific content, and while this announcement should be exciting, my guild’s feeling is bittersweet. We know that without being able to see who’s online and talking in guild chat that being alliance would still be a very isolating play experience. Please, please consider allowing guilds as part of this update.


I bet you told people Snape killed Dumbledore.

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wat a noob, lurk moar

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No, it makes sense. You clearly have no taste in writing, so its not a shock that you’d find cross-faction guilds a good idea story wise.


Yes, but what I’m saying is that at this point in the game, this feature can’t destroy WoW’s writing and lore more than it already has been. At the end of the day, gameplay comes first. While it might “break the immersion” for a couple of players, it will certainly make playing the game a lot better for practically everyone else.

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So does that mean you support my idea of making everything a violent free-for-all without carebear security “faction cities” to hide in and bluewall? :slight_smile:

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Cool beans. Any chance of a free race change event? Or an undo option for people who changed factions?

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This is the best news in years! Thank you.

I feel like not having cross faction guilds is a poor decision. Sure there are ways around it, but not having cross factions guilds will limit the scope of people doing cross faction raiding.


is like war some people choice side no matter what their race are

Its the first step. WE can agree this is a giant step in the right direction


This! Will make a post to specifically request for this since it would be a huge quality of life feature. At the moment, the only way to move gold or profession mats across factions is buying a battle pet and selling it after caging it on the opposite faction alt you want to send gold to. It’s a clumsy process that can lead to opportunists taking advantage of those who need gold. And it still means that gold already can be indirectly transferred, so its really just making the process simplified and less of a quality of life issue. This is especially important for those who rely on wow tokens to pay for their subscription, as ensuring all the gold is on the same alt when trying to buy a wow token for their account can be worrying when they have enough gold but split between 2 or more alts that aren’t on the same server or faction;

Blizzard make it the next expansion hype. Bring the xfaction guilds with your next update!


You want more Zovaal? This is how you get more Zovaal.
You want less Arthas? This is how you get less Arthas.

No, just make the factions relevant in the writing instead of this stupid ‘come together and hold hands’ crap. Cross-instance play is fine, but Cross-faction guilds just make the game pointless.


This! As someone who raids Mythic this seems like it is a meh change. Will cross realm mythic be open sooner? If not, the cross faction characters have to be on your server, and most of them are one sided balanced. On top of that you can only have so many out of guild raiders before your kills don’t count as a guild achievement. A lot of guilds use to recruit more players!

Please open up cross faction guilds! We can be a band of lawless adventures. It’s fine!


The sooner this happens the better, good change.


Agree, lets hope this is just the first step. Big W though so far.

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It actually makes less since story wise.

For Org (for example) to not allow humans into their gates represents how the race feels as a whole but individual characters in this story has always grouped together with the enemy when they needed help. Jaina use to hang out with Rexxar, Thrall and Vol’jin. Stupid Baine is BFFs with Anduin. The original Druids were nelves and tauren working together.

So to not allow us to say “yay dwarf friends” or “die Forsaken” just like Jaina or Lor’themar is what is lore breaking.


Why not just FLAG every player in the group as the same faction as the party leader? I imagine this must be the EASIEST solution to the whole “faction-specific” instances/quests issue.

Or they can provide folks like you the faction hype and also supply folks like me that just want to get drunk and punch Deathwing in the face.