Development Preview: Cross-Faction Instances


I’m so shocked but pleasantly excited


WoW writing is crap, admittedly, but Horde and Alliance have been working together every single expansion, every single raid and dungeon since the beginning of the game. So it makes absolutely no sense, why Horde and Alliance players can’t group up to defeat the big bad.


There are any plans to enable this feature for Guilds in the future?

I mean the feature is good but as someone that was looking forward to this, without a guild integration, it’s not going to allow me to go back to Alliance.


Draenei have better hair :orange_heart:

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This is a fantastic change. I really hope you consider allowing cross-faction guilds as well.


Cross faction ducks


i know this will get buried but my curiosity made me come here.

lets say i group with a dwarf hunter for example, and we do tomb of sargeras together. theres a mail chestpiece i get, but didnt realize he doesnt have the mog for it and we left group and went our separate ways. if i log out immediately after, and log in the next day to this realization, so that the chestpiece still has the 2 hour trade window, is there going to be a way for me to get ahold of him outside of the normal convoluted alts and mailboxes?

would there be an interface of “last known players qued with” for us to stay in contact them for the next say 72 hours or something? id hate to have to add everyone on realID to do this, but having a short term contact option might be nice

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Okay, sure, you can go higher than KSM. There’s someone in guild who has been doing the 20 achievements.

If you can do dungeons cross-faction, then there should be extra rewards for staying within your faction. And if that means that we return to the original problem, maybe instead there should be extra rewards only for Alliance who stay within faction.

But that’s the fault of the writers. What other fantasy setting starts without conflict among nations? If you honestly think holding hands and care-bearing it up is going to improve the writing, then go for it.

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this right here


Cross Faction Guilds Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease


k, I will gladly do so


why? who cares?


I bet you think Game of Thrones Season Eight was brilliant and masterful.


This is an excellent change!

Looking forward to this, maybe perhaps one day we can have NA/EU cross-region grouping? :slight_smile:

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can we make it so a toon can defect permanently to the other faction? Like a gnome can become horde forever?


Your nonsensical attempt at an insult is noted, sunshine :kissing_heart:


Well, for timewalking, as an example, I get extra timewalking badges if I ditch my friends and pug with random strangers instead. So Azreluna’s idea isn’t unprecedented.

Cross faction PVE & PVP
Banned booster communities

Come on Blizz do solo queue RBG’s too while you’re in a mood to actually make your customers happy.