Development Preview: Cross-Faction Instances

what a day of Massive W’s, i go to sleep hopium for the ban of booster communities and now i see this too ? 2 days after i came back to WoW ? my hopium tanks are going crazy. THANK YOU BLIZZARD. Finally i can play Horde in Australia, i don’t wanna play ALLIANCE

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This is a great start! And I do think it’s just a start. My bet is that making it “opt-in” is a way of soft-launching a factionless WoW so that it doesn’t immediately aggro those who want the factions to remain as-is. Over time, I think the random queue will bring together teams of different factions as well.

imho this isn’t really finished until we get cross-faction guilds. I’d love for that to be in the initial implementation.


Ill bet youve given this more thought than most of Blizz. Sadly, cos thats a really good point.

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They said Cross Faction Communities will be able to invite Players together.

Communities are have a chat JUST like guild chat, and can be have calendar events to sign up. So YOU CAN in a way have a CROSS FACTION GUILD

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I’ll never understand why people are so obsessed with carebear factions that let them hide from a truly brutal world where you never know who’s going to put a knife in your back …

If only the Faction Carebears would realize what a clean and sanitized world they are advocating for, free from danger as they cower in their little “capital cities.”

The quality storytelling you claim to crave … ? … would be found in adding CONFLICT inside the pristine and unrealistic little “factions.”

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I’d only like cross-faction Guilds if they were permanently flagged for War Mode.


But you can’t, guilds have banks, they have achievements. They aren’t locked out from mythic because they are on a different faction etc. Guilds are guilds, communities are communities and despite blizz trying to make us think otherwise they aren’t the same.


Well this is disappointing. I was looking forward to throwing money at blizz for faction and race changes, so I could actually play the races that I want to play…with my guildies. If I can’t be in a guild with them, then there is no point. Thanks for keeping my wallet in my pocket I guess.


Bring it. I’m 100% down for that.

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Add community banks
Add community achievements


Oh my

It’s been many years since I’ve seen the waggle of those lovely Draenei ladies up close




Blizzard, give us cross-faction guilds. Take my money. Take my fellow guildmates money. We want the race/class options of the other faction, but not without shared guild banks and guild chat. You have our money waiting for you.


Keep upvoting every comment demanding cross factions guilds. We need to send the message! <3


Factions create safe spaces. Tear them down. Violence and Warcraft for all.

Aren’t they making an entire arena mode about solo queuing? Or is that just for tanks?



This is a thrilling and excellent step in the right direction. Many of us are really looking forward to this.

We all have one major request: PLEASE make guilds cross-faction. It is crucial to rebalancing the populations and allowing Alliance to actually participate in mythic raiding. Please, a sincere and heartfelt request from an Alliance forced Horde, PLEASE, implement this.


Oh I’m so excited. Rated pvp is pretty horrible on the Alliance side due to how tiny the community has become. A lot of my friends jumped factions in recent years just so they can get into games cause Horde has a larger rated pvp population.

I like being a nelf and so did not follow my friends.

I have formed and lost so many friends over the years due to them starting off alliance and then moving on to horde.

Now I can reform these friendships. Potentially I don’t have to wait 1 or 2 hours for higher pvp rated group to form.

I’m just so happy.


We all have one major request: PLEASE make guilds cross-faction. It is crucial to rebalancing the populations and allowing Alliance to actually participate in mythic raiding. Please, a sincere and heartfelt request from an Alliance forced Horde, PLEASE, implement this.


The sheer amount of forum posters praising this is disheartening.