Development Preview: Cross-Faction Instances

ummmm…no to friends with horde

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And people wonder why the writing is crap…

Barn animals only :japanese_goblin:


It makes sense to me that guilds would be cross faction. Players from both sides coming together to make a guild for the better of Azeroth


Alliance has many of the best racials now. They’re actually preferrable, as long as they’re good players. Top guilds would probably all race change given the chance. Being able to have access to all the racials in one raid will be a huge benefit.

It is a great first step, but we really need to just drop these barriers altogether. The story has been so contrived for so long with broken lore, you can’t even hang a hat on that as a reason anymore


Well come on over horde! Need some more folks for RBG’s.

merc mode failed in its goal specifically because of the changes to your toon. if you were an orc on the alliance team with a nelf, merc mode would be a lot more popular. atm the only people who can stomach the class changes are the ones who use it.

mixed factions in random and epic pvp would have to leave your toon as is.

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I wonder if you just didn’t recognize the quote or if you’re actually calling The Lord of the Rings crap writing.


That’s rude. -.-

That DOES seem strange, it’s the most obvious place to start since they already have Merc Mode for random BG’s.

Although, having cross-realm queues won’t actually reduce queue times. Unless you think one faction or the other has a massive surplus of tanks or healers (which seems unlikely).

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actually it’s [thing i think is a big issue]


Do it… hooves are better than feet… trust us.

Honestly, factions are an archaic product of toxic patriarchy. We need to get with the times and remove factions entirely. It’s 2022 I thought we were moving forward.

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That inside the instance. Yea, like they said. Anything outdoors factions appear hostile. It’s right in the post.

You’re not welcome. Stay with the Horde.

It’s clearly because of the continued lack of ducks.


It does always SEEM so, but it does from both sides… so /shrug?

It’s not a quote. It’s just snipped dialogue from a vastly better story being shoved into World of Warcraft.

And besides, there’s alot more context in Lord of the Rings that’s not being conveyed.


I see you cutie :blush: