Development Preview: Cross-Faction Instances

Oh, my bad. Thought you were older. Good luck.

Awesome! Now give us RP nerds the option to group/talk/guild together cross-faction outside of raids/dungeons and we’ll be set. That would still be optional and players who didn’t want to do it wouldn’t be forced into it. Leave the faction cities hostile to the other side (since as they said, for every Jaina there’s a Genn), but it would further strengthen their statement of individual faction members choosing to cooperate with each other.


Cross-faction guilds is what we want! That’s more races we can make new characters on, and more time we play the game! It’s a win-win, and I hope you’re all considering it, if not just keeping it close to the vest for now.


We don’t actually make the changes, just make suggestions based on our own experiences.

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Well if they’re going to allow for alliance/horde to raid together, they’re going to have to figure out a way for raid repairs, guild repairs etc. Read the post directly under this one you just made… it is going to happen if they’ve made the leap they’ve advertised.


This is cool and I’m excited for this. I hope y’all expand the system to allow cross-faction guilds for similar reasons.


Oh god yes. Please give me more violence, brutality, and bloodshed. I love the “carebear stereotype” most people on the other side of this issue try to push on those who want independent guilds.

Nah. I don’t want to hide under a banner of “neutrality.” I want permission to KILL EVERYONE.


Inside an instance, it would seem so, the article specifically mentions trading as something you can do.

I wonder if it only means loot drop trading. Or can you trade somebody an invis pot? Presumably you could.



I’ve been waiting on this change forever!


I doubt this was council-related, the “please allow cross-faction grouping” threads were fairly common on here throughout BFA

Also a very very common request over on reddit, for years now

Anyways, it’s a good sign that they are fiiiiiinally starting to implement some player requests… “better a few years late than never” I guess :laughing:

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This is great progress in the right direction. Big W for the player base.

Great changes, but this really should include cross-faction guilds as well. Guilds already exist as a grouping that players have already chosen to be a part of. Keeping these updates from Guilds completely misses the point for a lot of people.


Disappoint who exactly? You and a couple dozen other people who would rather let Alliance die than allow them to raid and do dungeons with the opposite faction?

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You guys are making a huge difference and thank you for that


I would assume yes, based on the tags associated with the loot. There’s something that denotes who is eligible to receive the loot in trade, so assuming that doesn’t get disrupted by leaving the instance it should be possible.

Right. And you guys need to stop making terrible suggestions like this one.


How about trading gold?

It became bland when everyone and their mother chose to be a BE/VE.


Well, one would have to go hand-in-hand with the other, wouldn’t it?

Haha stay mad