That’s the dichotomy here? Alliance will die if they can’t run instances with the other faction?
Come on, man, I’ve pugged KSM on three different characters this season as alliance. It’s not dead.
That’s the dichotomy here? Alliance will die if they can’t run instances with the other faction?
Come on, man, I’ve pugged KSM on three different characters this season as alliance. It’s not dead.
of course it’s the goblin asking this
That’s your opinion, we simply gave ours. Personally I’m very in favor of this. I’m sorry you aren’t.
game so dead they have to merge factions to clear content instead of you know making the game good enough that more people would play it
Once in a party together, members of the opposite faction will remain unfriendly while in the “outdoor” world (and fully hostile in War Mode!), as they do today, though they will be able to communicate through party chat.
So if someone in your group don’t perform well, you can all go outside and beat them up!
This is great tho, I wouldn’t have faction changed my DH/Monk had I known I could just group with people soon.
Shame no normal or heroic dungeon but this MAY help some people out I would think. [Lots asked for it I imagine].
Imagine being mad that players have the option to play with others on their preferred race.
Push them to expand it to guilds. This is a GOOD step, but we need more.
Seems like a good change to me. Game has been doing poorly in classic and retail because of the faction restrictions and removing some is the only way forward.
Cross faction PvE instanced content is nice and helpful to that community but the economy, socialization, roleplay are struggling and in many cases dying (as is PvP). We need full cross-faction ability and a rethink of the faction system soon.
Also the fact is who will want to play on Alliance if you still aren’t afforded the advantage of having cities with players who can craft things for you? Crafting should be important. Professions should be important and having access to a large variety of crafters (e.g. competition) is necessary for competitive pricing (because who will stay on a faction where they are gouged?) and ease of access at any hour. Who can talk with you and help you out? Who you can guild with? Who can you see around you that you can fully interact with on what’s supposed to be a massively multiplayer game? The sense of that for Alliance players on most realms is dying or dead and this won’t fix that.
Repeat after me: WoW is not just a digital lobby for instanced content, Azeroth is more important and should be more than a digital train-station/portal to instanced content. The world matters. Devs bleed and sweat for it. People enjoy it. Keeping them segregated in the most important aspect (the world) is not tenable long-term unless Alliance sees a rebound (without cross-faction guilding that’s not going to happen as too much of the raiding scene is guild-based as it probably should be).
This is no offense only the start of a solution not a full solution. There’s a gaping wound and you’ve put a band-aid on it but we need surgery. I understand the surgeons need time to prep and study it and come up with a way to deal with it but it should be dealt with rather than ignored and allowed to fester and given the phrasing I am somewhat afraid this is seen as an unwanted but hand-forced final measure on the part of the devs to address this.
The community has proposed many solutions including an optional/opt-in diplomacy system that would grant full access to both factions, a treason system that would allow people to play what races they want on what faction they want at the expense of becoming hostile to the original, etc.
This isn’t even getting into possibilities of reworking the game to be something more than it is now. To go the class fantasy route and base some sort of new faction system around that.
Yea, but at least you only had to see one particular race instead of both of them. With cross-faction guilds, we’d see nothing but elf vomit.
Oh JHC there is no way this is the council’s doing. People have been begging for this for years. Let’s not even go there.
I can’t, I’m physically incapable of being that petty.
Dwarf: Never thought I’d be fighting side by side with a Blood Elf.
Blood Elf: Then how about a friend?
Dwarf: Aye, I could do that
Now all we need to do next is open up mythic raiding even more. Cross realm mythic from the start or the moment world first race comes to an end at the latest, and make it so you can do multiple instances of mythic raiding with different groups like how you can do so with normal and heroic raiding.
I don’t mean the scaling, keep it at 20. Just let other players join any lockout and every lockout they want, regardless of whether they have their own lockout or not.
Anywho, this is amazing! WOOO!!!
So excited to hear this! Awesome news!
I’ve already made a post on the CC forum about this, and that was one of my questions.
My early assumption is that they want to test this out before expanding to guilds, but I sincerely hope it does get expanded
Only way I could see players accepting cross-faction BG matchmaking is if there were an opt-out.
Some players enjoy playing their chosen race for the racial, passives, looks/transmog, etc so if you took that away from them with “mandatory” or “automatic” cross-faction BG teams I can see those players being upset over the lack of choice/opt-out.
A good move, but are min/max groups going to take alliance players?
Now all we need are cross faction guilds. Too many times have i’ve seen raid guilds swap off to the other faction and leave raiders behind, but hey, at least this is a start. Now if they do faction swap, they can still raid with that person that refuses to faction swap!