Development Preview: Cross-Faction Instances

I’m so happy right now! THANK YOU!

Excellent, guilds must happen though asap as well. Just make joining the opposing faction guild flag you as a mercenary and make you flag in the world for all intents and purposes as the opposing faction.




Us Argent Crusade roleplayers thank you for this very much.

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B-b-b-boooooty Baaaaaaay!

Or, you know, Shattrath, Dalaran, Gadgetstan, somewhere in Pandaland because they are a bridge between factions already, the foot of Mt. Hyjal where the first major alliance between horde and alliance was made, a rebuilt Theramore to commemorate Thrall and Jaina’s alliance made there, easy.

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Can already hear all crying that’s gonna come from this and all the toxicity on the forums lmao… all the s*hit talking that’s going to come from this is going to hurt a bunch of fragile ego’s

Overall for sure a good change, however, I really wanted to have X-faction guilds, I wanted to play ally for so long and now I can’t but at least I can invite allies, and I guess my alts can play ally.

I hope they include cross faction guilds.


Wherever I want? But perhaps you’ve missed the point of my question, since you seem to be more focused on attacking me instead of answering it.

I asked how my choice to do so would in any way AFFECT YOU or your experience with this game. I’ll be waiting for something actually coherent, not that I expect such.

Lol I recently queued Merc mode on this toon, and there was a few other Mercs in the BG as well. Someone from the Frostmourne (OCE) realm called us out, and then followed it up with asking “How can I queue mercenary mode?” To which I responded with “Play Horde” :laughing:

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Steamwheedle is the superior faction bois!!

Back in vanilla, I understood the animosity between factions. PvP servers prevented you from rolling a character of the opposite faction once you’d made your choice. You were far removed from the “other side” and it really fostered an “us vs. them” environment that bled over into the real world.

Over time, as PvP restrictions have slowly evolved and relaxed, and the lore progressed to have terrible villains and wonderful heroes on both sides, faction identity has changed. A lot. You’re always going to have purists, but for a lot of us, we simply grew up. We want to reestablish old connections without severing others that we’ve made along the way, because no matter the faction we play, our human connections with other players are important – and many times, they’re life-changing.

This change rolling out will bring people back together by removing some of the largest barriers – nobody will NEED to roll a new character on a server in a faction that just isn’t home. Thanks for making it a choice instead of a requirement.

We’re ready. It’s time.


Finally, thank you ! :ok_hand:

designing the game for raiders is what caused over 50% of players to leave


This is a big W.

Thanks for listening to us.

Father is it over? I see nothing but grouping potentials before me…

Please allow cross-faction guilds. This doesn’t help me at all if I want to play a Night-elf druid but every major raiding guild I want to play with is still horde only. I’m okay with this being the initial implementation, but please give us a future development addition to this that like in 10.x you’ll include cross-faction guilds.


Good first step. Guilds next!


Fistbumps for that Argent Life.

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As it’s usual.

Well you can’t put it anywhere there are other factions, so you let me know where on Azeroth you’re going to set up your guild.

The game would turn bland pretty quickly if everyone could be their own neutral guild with absolutely no downsides. If you want to be neutral so badly, then you can start out being hated by both Horde and Alliance.

Yes, can we get a big shout on letting it be for guilds as well

I would love to play ally races but my guild in the co gm of is a 2006 horde guild