Developers are still not getting what made WoW so good in the first place

I claim age issue over skill issue. I can keep my rotation to less than 5 plus a couple cooldowns i can keep track of. No i’ll never be top of the dps charts, but i don’t want that. I want to enjoy my once a year 2 month game card, and have my dps and hps just high enough to not get kicked from battlegrounds or dungeons for being incompetent. So as long as i’m out dpsing the healer, i’m good.


Don’t underestimate a good, customized user interface. I turn 53 next month and still raid Cutting Edge Mythic every tier (and as a Brewmaster, the highest-keybind class in the game).

But I’ve built my own UI to be as ergonomic as possible for my hands and vision.


I would also offer that in 2009 Blizzard developers we on the cutting edge of “cool” when it came to creating a mindset that playing WoW wasn’t just for nerds as in the Mr. T Mohawk night elf. Nearly 15 years later WoW is just a kind of an old meme like Grumpy Cat when it comes to how people see it. Most everyone I know is familiar with WoW but none of them play it or have friends that play it.

I think the Blizz team has not gotten the memo that they aren’t driving culture any more and they keep thinking anything they put out there is great and we’ll love it. As long as they can fiddle with the metrics they’ll hold on to that narrative.

On the player side we’ve developed into distinct and, apparently, exclusive play styles revolving around end game (raiding and/or mythics), PvP and open world including RP’ing, solo versus group content. Each group feels it deserves a path to better stuff and throws tantrums when it is perceived others are getting better stuff and they aren’t.

We also struggle with “I want something new and interesting” versus “You destroyed my cherished memories!” Part of this is because Blizzard developers what to do new things to keep their jobs and resumes interesting. We have a lot of factions that do not trust the other nor do we seem inclined to accept we can all have fun stuff and adventures.

The game’s challenges revolving around playability can probably fixed but, unfortunately, the community factions as well as factions within Blizzard are going to make broadly popular fixes extremely difficult. As this gridlock continues we’ll probably continue to bleed both players and developers until the monthly subscriptions no longer fund game development and maintenance.


And here we go again…

Which abilities should be removed?

You have 4 main abilities, rampage, raging blow, blood thirst, and execute. That’s one less than the 5 you referenced.

Yes there are other things you hit, but those have cool downs are are situational.

So again, don’t just say “too many buttons”, enlighten us as to which you feel would make it easier to configure your PS controller.

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Neither of these are true.


I mean Pogs were popular and everyone loved them and said they were the best thing ever. But now my gold Mortal Kombat slammer has been collecting dust for…a very long time. What works in the past does not mean it will work in the future. Times change, trends change, people change…

The real issue is you have players that feel entitled now. You have players pushing for the best gear in the content they do (Raiding/MPlus/Rated PVP) yet have people who refuse to do group/hard content feeling entitled to having the same gear. Thats now how this game has ever been designed.


Titanforging was a poison pill that will take decades to be expunged from the community’s veins.

Oh look its another too many buttons troll thread where they lie about less buttons in early game history that is not going to fool anyone that actually played back then.

Go back to Youtube or twitch or whatever platform your streamer that complains about too many buttons streams from and stay there, the forums are sick of this nonsense and are not going to sit back and stay quite.

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you forgot lots of Dungeons

The real reason is the story. Legion and Wrath of the Lich king did really well because we got the chance to defeat big bads that had been built up since the RTS games.

Story really is king when it comes to providing a good gaming experience. People are willing to slog through terrible mechanics if the story is good enough… the reverse is harder to pull off.


MMO’s were the hot thing in the mid-late 00’s WoW was beginner friendly and belonged to a beloved IP it peaked exactly when it was supposed to. Arthas died and the game left the cultural Zeitgeist no regression of game mechanics will get the lightning back in the bottle.

There have been a few games where the combat was so close to being as good, but then massively failed somehow. SWTOR had engine limitations that, while classes were awesome in recent years, just felt worse. ESO has light attack weaving and it is not a fun mechanic (nor was medium/heavy attack weaving) as well as no real working threat table. Wildstar might have actually been better designed to be honest, but they made the endgame so hard it only appealed to a very small minority.

It’s frustrating to see good games squander their potential like the above, but man there’s been a lot that has come really darn close overall. They just always have some annoyance, some terribly designed feature/requirement of the player, or even performance issues that prevent them from being a real competitor. That, and microtransactions being dialed up to 11 elsewhere.

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Almost all of the monk specs require at least 20 keybinds

You’re going to have to be more specific, because I have 31 keybinds as BM, and you and I both know BM is not a 31 button rotation.

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I used to play feral. I loved it but was terrible at it, still am.

That said, I learned that most of those spells can be offset to the side or another bar.
We get 4 bars.

How I set it up, going by memory here & it’s been a long time, is I’d put my defensives/healing on the side and my attack plus prowl/meld on the most commonly used.

Then I chose a lot of passives as I knew I didn’t need that much stuff to be effective in open world.

I do that with all my toons/classes but druids have a huge amount of choices because they’re a true hybrid class so you do have a point.

Rebirth has a 10 minute cooldown. I would have put that in the background along with others not often used.
That would pare down what you do actually use.

  • Edited to add: I don’t run dg’s or raids. That probably makes a difference, Idk. I can’t speak on that, though.

I mean my holy priest does especially in pvp.

As has already been pointed out, keybinds = / = rotation.

If the people parroting the youtubers could at least use the correct terminology, these threads wouldn’t be quite so silly.


As a priest main, no you don’t.

Maybe they also need to implement the same computers as 2003 to really get the feel back.

Let’s get some Pentium IV systems with 1 gig RAM and go to town.

There are many reasoms it isn’t as simple as your post: more competative gaming market, people outgrew the game, it’s boring after 20 years, etc…