Developers are still not getting what made WoW so good in the first place

Maybe now that they made such a mess of the lore, now would be a good time for 2.0. A new game, not just Classic rebooted lol…and maybe, just maybe, with a plan.


Yeah, that’s what kept me away from EverQuest. I don’t mind losing loot. It’s frustrating but realistic. Losing xp is just annoying.

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DH technically has two dps specs at this point: Momentum or Demon. Personally, I find Momentum fun for stuff outside of raiding. But even in raiding, I imagine it might have it’s uses.

You don’t have to have every single button if you’re just doing more casual stuff. Don’t nerf my playstyle because you might feel like you have to have another button to press.

I can easily juggle 8 buttons.

Now if we were all still clicking? Sure, I could probably see the complaint. But then again, back in the day, my main was a hunter and we still had a bunch of buttons.

People watching streams are people not playing. Nobody cares about streamer numbers except streamers.


Maybe if you only have one monitor

Also long distance travel, adventure, and no flying. At least not flying in a sense of hopping from 1 mob to another mob.

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The game was still becoming more and more popular after flying was added, though.

The game started shrinking when LFD was added.

Idk that I agree but then again I mostly just play Healer and things really haven’t changed so much through the years. Honestly, it’s nicer now since healers can actually do more damage than a pool noodle

That could be true to an extent. Flying was only 2 expansions in before it started to decline. And in TBC it was an endgame thing with epic flying. Regular flying back then was brutally slow. I am also not saying that flying was the ONLY thing that wasn’t to my liking.

Agreed. That was a huge problem. Also cross server too. Without dungeon finder and cross server, people got to know each other and reputations were important. It felt like a real small town community. Then cross servers came and WoW lost this sense of community. No one knew each other any more. No one needed to talk. It essentially became a single player game

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Ah, hyperbole and bs. Love the forums.


Here’s my feral: AoE set up, got to cram a couple extra buttons in for single target.
1 Rake
2 Shred
3 Thrash
4 swipe
5 Skull bash
6 Primal Wrath
7 Maim
8 Ferocious bite
9 Mighty Bash
10 Incarnation the avatar
11 Tiger fury
12 prowl
13 Bark skin
14 regrowth
15 Survival instincts
16 Remove curruption
17 Entangling root / Mass
18 Rip
19 feral frenzy
20 Tiger dash
21 stampeding roar
22 trinket
23 hibernate / typhoon / soothe
24 Mount
25 lock rock
26 renewl
27 health pot
28 rebirth

Standing /travel form
1 moonfire
2 sunfire
3 wrath
4 starfire
5 swift mend
9 revive
12 shadowmeld.

I can go over some of my alts. There not as bad as feral but all over 20 buttons.


To be fair, the people who were playing then grew up. A lot of them have families and stopped playing games that take up a lot of their time.

They may not have the time to put into MMO’s anymore so they simply don’t play.

There’s also a lot of other good MMO’s out there now that weren’t around back then. (Or were just starting up and were pretty bad until they figured it out)

So someone who might have played during Wrath might be playing GW2 exclusively now. And either doesn’t have a desire to play other games, might not have the time for two MMO’s or might not be able to justify two sub fees.

We also have a ton of really popular shooter games that people like to play with their friends. They’re also quick drop in, play a game and drop out types of games. They don’t have to dedicate 2 to 3 hours to a raid 3 times a week.

Consoles have also gotten awesome and have online games too.

There are plenty of reasons the population from Wrath might not be playing WoW anymore. There’s a lot of competition out there for WoW’s attention these days. That doesn’t for one second mean the game is bad. It just means people like other things.

Sure, WoW’s heyday is over. It’ll never get back up to the numbers it once had. Not even close. But Blizz have stated earlier this year that even though the population numbers are lower the retention numbers are higher.

The people who are playing are sticking around a lot longer than they have in the past.

That means something right there. You shouldn’t judge a games merit solely on how many people play it.

Do you enjoy it? If yes, then just enjoy it and don’t worry about how many millions are playing.

If not, then don’t play. Maybe find something you do enjoy more. I got back into swtor a week ago. It’s fun and holding me over until patch 10.2.

This games popularity really isn’t worth getting stressed out over.


You don’t have a 28 button rotation, though.

It’s the mis-use of the word rotation that people object to. Nobody has a 20-button rotation.

I have 40 keybinds I use on Mythic Sark as a Brewmaster (I’ve posted them all in other threads). That doesn’t mean I have a 40-button rotation; I don’t.


Harder classes isn’t the problem. Besides, if you want something easy there are classes/specs out there for you.

Ps. Classes had lots of abilities back then too. You only think there’s 20 buttons because you’re counting 3 minute cd abilities which isn’t even part of the “every mob” rotation. You still only have a 5-7 button rotation.

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Please this is all such a massive oversimplification. The game is objectively better now than it was in Wrath when it supposedly peaked. WoW was just a newer game then still and the world itself was different back then too. If anything, Classic Wrath should see those same exact 2008 numbers if it was really that amazing…but it didn’t and won’t. It’s a glorified flop just like Classic Vanilla and BC is/was with a bunch of has beens wanting to relive a time in the past that doesn’t exist anymore.

I will agree that the bloat is getting a little ridiculous again. I’ve played long enough to see abilitites bloat up and condense more than once. Honestly i think the game is on the right track with bringing back the talent trees. Now it’s just hoping that when they go to reduce button bloat next the developers listen to the suggestion i put in one of their survey things. Easy to do, let the insane amount of abilities stay, and maybe bring back a few old favs like “fan of knives”. But then set the talent trees like the older ones were. There was no optimal way to set the talent tree. No matter which abilities you selected in the trees, as long as you worked your way down, had comparable dps, hps, and tankability. So no, every druid was guaranteed to have rake, and not every hunter would be guaranteed to have kill shot. They have the spec side of trees worked out great, now they just have to work out the base side a little bit and i think it could make almost everyone happy.

Now to the bloat being the reason everyone leaves WoW. I honestly think the reason subscriptions have dropped is just the agin of the game. When i first logged into vanilla, i was still on college. When lich dropped i was traveling to find my place. When cat dropped i was AFK for a couple years, and i was heart broken at how they changed my world when i came back. When shadowlands and warlords came, i never even logged in. Point being, it’s life my dude. When WoW peaked, most of us that played then could afford to sink 40 hours a weeknor more into the game. I really do think all those people from wrath of the lich king are still here. Most of them just do what i do. I don’t maintain a steady subscription, sometimes cause i can’t fit it in my budget, and sometimes because life gets in the way for a few months. Talking to other people, it seems to me like that’s the case for 90 of the subscriber’s. So yeah, population in game is down, but i’m pretty sure that if you check how long they have been inactive, it will match my first guilds findings. We almost never raid or dungeon together anymore. But the longest i have seen a member go with out log in is 20 months. So yeah, our guild seems small cause at most there are maybe 10-15 characters logged in, but the roster says we still have over 500 members that have been active at some point with in the last two years.

But to quit being a windbag of an antique, dude you are being ridiculous. Bloat has nothing to do with my players leave. Just take a breath, suck on your pacifier, get control of your temper tantrum, and realize that just like a bad x the bloat will eventually go away. But like an x-wife, just hope that it doesn’t take an ability you really enjoy away when it goes.

No but usually around 30 of them are getting used in a typical dungeon run.

But the real problem is the number CD’s, Dots, trigger abilities, combo points, health, energy and other things I have to pay very close attention to, while not standing in fire, making sure the target that needs to be stunned or interrupted is selected, and when every mechanic that requires something happens.

It’s not a lot of fun these days. Just what you have to do for gear.

Here’s a thread from the start of shadowlands that talks about the game play getting to be too much. Only worse since then.

79 likes. Wonder where they are now.


Skill issue.
Blatantly false.
Stop picking extra buttons if you can’t use them all.

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