Developer Update: A Look at What’s Ahead for Wrath of the Lich King Classic

you’re arguing with a self admitted troll, legit not worth your time.
he’s been called out and is back pedaling hard

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Does this count? odd time to defend him…
I just straight up dislike him so idk what your point is in regards to me.

Im not defending him

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I think i grossly misread the intent of your post. My apologies, i reread it now and i see what you’re getting at.

All of the fan club is here, I see. lol.


Perhaps youll fit in with the next forum location you go to, or atleast learn how to not get ran off from one

I still need to read the arena one sometimes, guess it’s a hoot, people kept bringing it up in the other threads.

Blizzard is about to learn the same lesson Coca-Cola did in the 80s with New Coke: don’t mess with a winning formula.


As a classic/TBC player who was very much looking forward to WOTLK, this announcement has really taken the wind out of my sails.

I understand bug fixes and QOL changes (normalizing lock-outs, emblems, changes that occurred from patch to patch, even the dungeon finder) but making adjustments to core gameplay - Naxx difficulty because “looking back we think it should have been harder” - or adding challenges/rewards for heroic dungeons because “in retrospect we think dungeons should provide more challenges/rewards throughout the expansion” - crosses a line, I think recklessly so.

To me, the main draw of classic is to experience WOW as it was, not how it should have been.

I hope you’ll reconsider.

Maybe save these changes for SOM?



If you aren’t going to change the mechanics of the bosses in Naxx, then there’s no point in buffing it. I don’t want to fight a Thaddius with 70 million hp nor be forced to wear resistance gear for Sapphiron ever again. Naxx just isn’t mechanically interesting or hard enough for the Wrath gameplay. Making it artificially harder by buffing health and damage is lame. I’d rather it be unchanged and faceroll over it being a tedious slog to get through. Naxx isn’t a short raid either and people will still have to do OS, EoE, and VoA every week.

Don’t turn heroics into Mythic+, no one likes that garbage. No one wants to be forced to run the same damn dungeons for the entire xpac for gear and still have it be a challenge. Just buff Heroics to be more like TBC Heroics and have emblems function like badges in TBC. TBC heroics would have been awful if people in T6 still struggled to do them. Newer and better gear making older content easier is a GOOD THING. Emblems will make them relevant, just like how badges kept heroics relevant in TBC.


How do some of these people like bloom make it to 5k posts? It’s got to be the fact that they suck up to blizzard because I never make it to 1000.

I think its from hosting town hall gatherings, or used to be anyway

He’s really good at saying nothing and posting a lot of meaningless words.


It’s a fix for population issues (imbalances, low pops). Clearly not needed on every realm, but would be a fix nonetheless.


Why can’t I flag OP’s post for trolling?


Probably not and if they don’t it’s possibly the end of Classic lol. I’ve read the horror stories of Cata and them not preserving one of, if not the best expansion in the game then Blizzard is top tier yikes. I’m sad TBC can’t get one.

There’s not going to be Wrath servers at all.

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It’s a Blizzard post, lately that’s just already assumed…


So you’re saying you make all the people you randomly invite to your groups after spamming LFG chat fill out a questionnaire? So you “know” they aren’t this type of player? Your logic is also flawed in the sense that you wouldn’t even get this guy to tank for you at all, unless your dungeon you want to run is heroic and you pay him. This argument only further supports the NEED for dungeon finder because than you don’t need to pay your tank to tank for you any tank you get willing qued up for the dungeon finder same as the rest of the group. When player options are limited and there is no reward or reason for a player to run something they simply quit doing it, which is exactly why tanks started spamming LFG in TBCC with “selling tanking services” because there was nothing else in it for them and the players in need of a tank unfortunately NEED a tank to actually run stuff so you either pay these players or you just simply don’t run the content those are your options.